Page 52 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 52

         Screen printing
             with the container. The culture of                                Grey Goose equip the charm of
             white fire water descended down                                    Cinderella to win out of so many
             the generations and the glass in                                  good drinks?
             your hand would tell a tale.                                         The charm inherent to Grey
               Since the 19th century, tech-                                   Goose originates from the spe-
             niques of offset, rotogravure and                                 cial time settlement of French
             screen printing have become                                       alcoholic drinks, and benefits
             widely adopted, along with bot-                                   from the presentation of its glass
             tle labels. Offset for short paper                                decoration. The body of the bot-
             run, rotogravure for long film                                     tle is designed as an elegant
             run, unlike gluing labels onto                                    artwork, renewing the definition
             the bottles, screen print provides                                of vodka as luxury. The frosty
             direct printing with unique tactile                               sculpture effect matches so well
             appeal. However, each process                                     with the geese flying towards the
             benefits itself to fully integrate                                 field, realized in an impression-
             the label with bottle, adding value                               style photo of scenery, combining
             to the packaging and the drinks                                   nature, art and technical fashion.
             contained.                                                           Kammann’s state-of-the-art
                                                                               CNC fully-automatic printing
             CHANGING TIME AND                                                 machine has credit for the mar-
             DECORATIONS                                                       vellous presentation of the Grey
               Entering into the new millen-                                   Goose bottle, which attracts the
             nium, consumers have upgraded                                     attention of consumers.
             their selection on drinks and also
             drinkware, a generation knowing                                   BACK TO THE PRESENT
             all about drinkability, apprecia-                                    The Little Lang Liquor drink-
             tion, differentiation and person-                                 ware gifted from Kammann
             alization digit-orients their taste                               China Team to Chinese con-
             along with the value created to                                   tainer packaging, shows off the
             FMCG.                                                             elegant beauty of conventional
               Grey Goose, the French alco-                                    silk printing from Kammann.
             holic brand, came into being in                                   The custom-design of the bot-
             1996, not so many years ago,                                      tle structure such as mouth
             but has already been recog-                                       and body perfectly parabolizes
             nized as the ‘Global Best Tasting                                 a combination of strength and
             Vodka’. Why, and how does the                                     integrity. O

                                                                                        KOENIG & BAUER
                                                                                     (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD.

                                                                                      No. 526 Fute East 3rd Road, Building 1,
                                                                                    Unit A5 - China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade
                                                                                         Tel: +86 - 21 - 5836 0223
                glass machinery plants & accessories 4/2019                            Zone, Pudong New District - China
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