Page 47 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 47

saving. At that time, the com-   tem so as to guarantee maximum
                                              pany invested in triple gob cool-  redundancy and enable predic-
                                              ers, designed smaller bottles, and   tive maintenance. At the same
                                              converted from mechanical to     time, Gallo ordered new melting
                                              machine-aided time control. The   furnaces from EME’s sister com-
                                              next milestone occurred in the   pany Nikolaus Sorg, meaning
                                              1990s, when Gallo Glass became   that the core technology was sup-
                                              one of the first glass packag-    plied from a single source – with
                                              ing companies to install natural   all the advantages in terms of
                                              gas/oxygen furnaces to mini-     quality and interfaces.
                                              mize NOx emissions. An auto-        Gallo Glass also decided to use
                                              mated electrostatic filter unit was   melting furnaces with the latest
                                              installed to significantly reduce   oxy-fuel technology.
                                              particulate emissions.
                                                                               PREMIERE OF SIMATIC PCS 7
                                              AT FULL CAPACITY                    “Thanks to the integrated
                                                The lack of redundancy was     solution and the expertise of the
                                              problematic for Gallo, because   batch systems engineering com-
                                              high availability with a simulta-  pany, the Simatic PCS 7 pro-
                                              neous increase in capacity was   cess control system also found
                                              essential. Operating the two     its way to Gallo Glass,” recalls
                                              batch plants also required a rela-  Mo Mashinchi, project manager
                                              tively high deployment of staff.   for the bottle maker. This was
                                              The first immediate action on     no small feat, given that it was
                                              the part of the company was to   the US market. Another first:
                                              consolidate its two raw-material   The control system’s standards,
                                              silos.                           standardized libraries, compre-
                                                Then, in 2014, Gallo Glass     hensive functionalities, and mod-
                                              commissioned EME GmbH to         ular engineering enabled EME to
                                              plan and upgrade the batch plant   implement an end-to-end auto-
                                              and parts of the cullet-return sys-  mation solution at the hot end.

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