Page 50 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 50

         Screen printing

                 ITTLE LANG LIQUOR WITH       perfect glass a step further when   hension about good drinks and
                 KAMMANN’S SCREEN             drinking a good glass of Lang    packaging.
             LPRINTING ON GLASS               Liquor (Lang means groom)
               At the National Food & Drinks   saying: “a new glass enhances   MILLENNIAL BOTTLE AND
             Fair in Chengdu, Sichuan, an     the beauty of old wine; a new    CENTENNIAL LABEL
             acquaintance of mine took the    couple has chosen to drink Lang     Packaging wines and liq-
             age-old tradition of drinking    liquor.” He entertained us all   uors has existed since the time
             good wine and liquor in the      with his intellectual compre-    of Abraham, and the ancient

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