Page 48 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 48


               The recent 18-month upgrade
             also proved to be a complex
             task. In addition to a cold fur-
             nace repair, it involved expand-
             ing and integrating the cullet
             plant, including the belt loading
             station. The cullet plant was inte-
             grated into the batch-house con-
             troller during operation. “It was
             sort of like open-heart surgery in   we were also able to expand our   California, using 50 per cent
             which additional controllers were   capacities. As an added bonus,   recycled glass in its batch.
             embedded,” says Mashinchi.       the technologies were developed   t 5IF CPUUMF NBLFS SFVTFT
             “There were no major interrup-   in such a way that it’s theoreti-   per cent of its daily service
             tions during the upgrade. We     cally possible to add two more      water. O
             were able to continue producing   melting furnaces.” Meanwhile,
             millions of bottles a day. And   Gallo Glass was able to achieve
             now, for the first time, we’ll be   higher annual production volume
             able to prevent future failures   – with no end in sight. So every-
             through predictive maintenance   thing’s ready for the anniversary.
             – that was extremely important   Raise your glasses!
             for us.”
                                              FOR THE SAKE OF THE
             THE DESIRED EFFECT               ENVIRONMENT
               “We’re extremely satisfied      t (BMMP (MBTT XBT UIF mSTU JOEVT-
             with Siemens and have excel-       trial enterprise to rely on oxy-
             lent relationships with our col-   fuel technology in container
             leagues there,” Mashinchi adds.    glass production, reducing
             “The implemented solution is       its NOx emissions by 80
             environmentally sustainable and    per cent.                        GALLO GLASS CO.
             has given us the desired increase   t  5IF  DPNQBOZ  JT  UIF
             in efficiency and availability. And   largest user of                    605 South Santa Cruz Avenue
             thanks to system redundancy,       recycled glass in                     Modesto, CA 95354 - USA
                                                                                      Tel.: +1 - 209 - 3413411
                                                                                      Fax: +1 – 209 - 3414963
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