Page 59 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 59

Instead, only the defective part
             is replaced, without troubling the
             carousel machine, all in less than
             five minutes.
               As quality is essential for
             Tiama, the choice of the most
             adapted toolings materials
             (different thicknesses, parts
             machining, material qual-
             ity…) are carefully selected
             and validated to offer opti-
             mized detection perfor-
             mance and avoid any
             impact on glass items.
             It is a way to ensure
             the best adaptation of
             the material to machine
             configuration and the
             lowest possible arti-
             cle friction coefficient.
             Tiama keeps improving
             as a company to guaran-
             tee better quality and cus-
             tomer satisfaction. That’s
             why customers’ claims
             ratio was reduced to less
             than 0.4% last year.
               Tiama Toolings services are
             essentials to make sure that car-
             ousel machines are always work-
             ing at their best level. Thanks to
             Tiama’s experts, customers can
             save time and money, improve
             operator working condi-
             tions and be confi-
             dent that their
             machines     will
             inspect the con-
             tainers properly. O


                                                                                  Za Des Plattes - 1 Chemin Des Plattes
                                                                                      69390 Vourles - France
                                                                                     Tel.: +33 - 4 - 37201572
                                                                                     Fax: +33 - 4 - 78079450
                                                       “PIT-STOP” rollers           E-mail:

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