Page 62 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 62

         Country outlook

             tional  investors with a stead-  tures or subsidiaries of some of   about container glass demand
             ily increasing GDP and booming   the leading business conglomer-  from  brewers, we are presenting
             direct international investments,   ates of container glass, retail and   some data on the country’s beer
             a pattern which is forecast to   packaging giants of the region.   industry. With a production vol-
             remain stable in upcoming years.                                  ume of 4.375 billion litres (5.83
             The country’s GDP is expected    THE CONTAINER GLASS
             to reach USD 345.4 billion in    MARKET IN VIETNAM
             2020.                              Over a period of the last ten
               Container glass demand in the   years, Vietnam has become one
             country is met by three contain-  of the largest producers of beer
             er glass manufacturers. Malaya   in the ASEAN region. While beer
             Vietnam Glass (also known        markets of most of the countries
             as OI BJC Glass), San Miguel     in the region are struggling for
             Yamamura Hai Phong Glass         growth, Vietnamese beer produc-
             Company and government con-      ers are still registering high single
             trolled Go Vap Glass are able to   digit growth rates. A steady rise
             meet a large part of total glass   in beer production and consump-
             bottles demand in the country.   tion has provided container glass
             About 15 per cent  of the total   manufacturers with a vast mar-
             demand is met through imports    ket, which is expected to grow
             from China, Thailand and other   with healthy numbers for quite
             ASEAN countries. The former      some time.
             two companies are joint ven-       To give our readers an idea

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