Page 61 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 61

                  GROWTH AND
               Walking around in Hanoi,
             Vietnam’s capital, you can feel
             boundless energy everywhere.
             People whiz by on scooters, buy-
             ing and selling everything from
             beverages to food in the count-
             less small shops, and running to
             and fro to get to work. Vietnam
             is young, growing, and anything
             feels possible.
               A mere 30 years ago, Vietnam
             was one of the poorest countries
             in the world. Today, it is one of
             the stars of the emerging mar-
             kets universe. Whereas its GDP
             per capita was barely USD 230
             in 1985, it was more than ten
             times that in 2017 (USD 2,343).
             Corrected for purchasing power,
             it stands even higher, at over
             USD 6,000. Its economic growth
             of 6-7 per cent rivals China, and
             it exports are worth as much as
             12 per cent of the total value of
             its GDP.
               The country’s container glass
             industry has received significant
             growth from a very healthy pop-
             ulation growth rate. Vietnam’s
             population has registered one
             of the healthiest growths in the
             ASEAN region. From 60 million
             in 1986, the year economic liber-
             alisation started, the Vietnamese
             population has jumped by more
             than 60 per cent to 97 million at
             the end of 2017.
               In 2017, Vietnam’s gross
             domestic product (GDP) record-
             ed an impressive decade-high
             growth rate of 6.81 per cent. The
             country also set a record in for-
             eign investment inflow and trade
             revenues (USD 424 billion, over
             four times the figure in 2007,
             when the country became part of
             the World Trade Organization
             - WTO). Vietnam is considered
             to be one of the region’s most
             attractive markets for interna-

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