Page 64 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 64

         Country outlook
             Malaya Vietnam Glass’ plant.
               Other leading customers are
             Pepsi Co Vietnam, Coca Cola
             Vietnam and other major brewers
             in the country.
               This production plant was
             previously  located in Ho Chi
             Minh city, but the company had
             to relocate to the current site
             because of the Ho Chi Minh city
             urban development plan, which
             banished large-scale manufactur-
             ing activities in the city limits.

               A specialized manufacturer
             of high quality glass containers
             for consumer industries such as
             beer, alcohol, beverage and food,
             the San Miguel Yamamura Hai
             Phong Glass Company Limited
             (SMYHG) is one of the lead-
             ing businesses in the Vietnamese
             glass container industry.
               Located at Hai Phong, a
             major port city in the North-
             Eastern part of Vietnam, San
             Miguel Yamamura Glass has an
             installed capacity to produce 350
             tonnes of container glass per day.
             A large part of total produc-
             tion goes to meet the beer bottle
             demand from one of the stake-
             holders in the company, Hanoi
             Beer Alcohol and Beverage Joint
             Stock Corporation (Habeco),
             which is one of the leading beer
             producers in the country. This
             container glass plant originally
             started in 1995 with an installed
             capacity of 150 tonnes per day.
             Two expansions in intervening
             years due to rising demand from
             the country’s beverage industry
             have enabled it to reach its cur-
             rent level of production.
               SMYHG is managed by
             the San Miguel Yamamura

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