Page 72 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 72

             Applications                                                      cleaned, allowing cullet dust and
               Liftube  for the transportation                                 broken glass to be reprocessed
             of products from the mixer to                                     without delay.
             the loading or for the transport
             of broken glass to recycling area                                 THE RUBBER OBTURATOR
             or storage.                                                          The obturator is a concept of
               In 2018, Standard Industrie                                     bulk powder material flow, sim-
             installed 10 meters of Liftube                                    ple, non-motorized and environ-
             in a glass plant in Spain. The                                    mentally friendly process, with a
             customer wanted to improve the                                    circuit under pressure that main-
             conveying of the cullet, by reduc-                                tains the seal.
             ing the spillages and consequent-
             ly the cleaning interventions.                                    Applications
             Liftube  also allows to improve                                      For dust collecting hoppers
             working conditions for operators                                  or at the level of dust collecting
             and the company image.                                            hoppers of glass (coming from
                                                Industrial vacuum unit GAD     the dust collector). O
             VACUUM CLEANING
             MACHINES                         ple: the vacuum creates a strong
               To meet its clients’ industrial   suction which picks up and pneu-
             cleaning, pumping and aspiration   matically carries material to a dust
             requirements, Standard Industrie   collector, by means of a pipe net-
             offers a complete range of equip-  work. The pipe network includes
             ment and vehicles that combine   a dust collector and diverters with
             safety and performance.          secondary branches.
               From vacuum vehicles to          A set of accessories enables the
             mobile vacuum units, Standard    system to clean efficiently within
             Industrie has a solution for every   a radius of several meters around
             industrial vacuuming problem.    the socket. If you want to clean
                                              another area, you just have to
             Applications                     disconnect the pipe, and connect
               Vacuum cleaning of the pro-    it to the socket of the new area.
             duction building and the control   The equipment is made of:
             area, material recovery, cleaning   t  0OF   NPUPS QVNQ   GSBNF
             of the furnace roof and at the     mechanically-welded, set on
             building level.                    shock absorbing feet.
               The CAM6000MRXUS with          t  POF A3PPUT  UZQF WBDVVN QVNQ
             blow back capability is truly    t  POF   QIBTF FMFDUSJD NPUPS
             proven to be the best solution for   t  POF UIFSNPTUBU PO TVSQSFTTPS
             a client to vacuum and reclaim   t  POF EJGGFSFOUJBM QSFTTVSF TXJUDI         Rubber obturator
             product at up to thirty tons an    detector to determine the filter
             hour, while reclaiming the mate-   clogging level
             rial for future use by utilizing the   t  POF   QSF TFQBSBUPS   EVTU
             blowback option.                   collector on frame with filtra-
               Standard Industrie International   tion (several volumes available).
             also offers a fast and mobile solu-
             tion with its medium vacuum suc-  THE INDUSTRIAL VACUUM                  STANDARD
             tion truck Valnet, which is a flex-  UNIT GAD                             INDUSTRIE
             ible and economic small truck as   This mobile vacuum cleaning       INTERNATIONAL
             it can be driven by anyone with a   unit provides regular and heavy
             light vehicle driving license.   cleaning all along the produc-         139 -141 Rue Du Luxembourg
                                              tion line.                            59054 Roubaix Cedex 1 - France
             THE CENTRALIZED                                                          Tel.: +33 - 3 - 20283232
             VACUUM UNIT                      Applications:                           Fax: +33 - 3 - 20685116
               The working principle of a       Thanks to the GAD, glass-
             non-movable vacuum unit is sim-  works’ process lines can be

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