Page 70 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 70


                                                                                                 Airchoc on
                                                                                              sand hopper,
                                                                                             to declogg the

             be equipped with the Airchoc     side of the hopper. The target of
             declogging devices in order to   the Airchoc  installation was to
             help material flow. Another unex-  funnel the product down to the
             pected location where Airchoc can   discharge.
             be used is the smoke treatment     This same plant also has eight
             plant and smoke evacuation, these   Airchoc  on the different bends
             plants where gas are treated can   at furnace level, which shoot in
             clog and an easy way to get rid   the direction of the smoke fumes
             of the soft build ups is to blow air   flow to avoid obstructions.
             on a regular bases. This regular
             planned airblow removes the dust   GIRONET ®
             and avoid formation of harder      Standard Industrie intervenes
             buid-ups which could lead to total   regularly in factories to clean
             blockage. This is a smart soft easy   silos and hoppers. In the case
             and preventive solution against   that the customer faces reduced
             the worst scenario. In the furnace,   collection capacity, the use of
             you will find them on the hopper,   the pneumatic Gironet  will help
             feed chute and furnace archs.    clean the silos and allow to recov-
               An Italian glassmaking com-    er the whole storage capacity.
             pany has four Airchoc  placed      The articulated arm of the
             on a sand hopper – batch house   Gironet , which rotates at 360°,
             or area of composition.          eliminates rat holing problems,
               The    four    AC51010SD,      meeting stringent safety stand-
             DN 100 50-litre devices were     ards as it avoids having any       Gironet inside silo
             installed in the middle of each   human presence inside silos.

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