Page 69 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 69



                                       handling bulk products

                   in total environmental respect                                                                Equipments

             on bend,
             to clean the

                  The handling and transport of bulk products in glassworks can often

               lead to material build-ups in crucial areas. Standard Industrie gives us

                  an idea of how these issues can be avoided with its products, which

                               also reduce cleaning costs and guarantee worker safety.

                 or more than 40 years,       to reduced plant productivity    AIRCHOC   ®
                 Standard Industrie Inter-    and higher cleaning costs. This     Since 1978, when Standard
             Fnational has been specialised   leads to higher labour accident   Industrie patented its first
             in the design and manufacture    risk for the maintenance staff.   Airchoc, the group has sold more
             of solutions aiming to facilitate   These types of issues can be   than 50,000 of its Airchoc  air
             the handling of bulk products by   avoided if preventive meas-    cannon systems in 90 countries.
             combining safety and respect for   ures to avoid blockages and    The Airchoc  can be applied to
             environment. This expertise has   build-ups are taken or if regular    various locations in a glass fac-
             been shared with more than 60 dif-  cleaning of storage areas are   tory, any time cloggings or build-
             ferent types of industries, including   undertaken.               ups appear.
             the glass industry.                Having developed expertise
                                              in both these areas, Standard    Applications
             MATERIAL BUILD-UPS IN            Industrie has helped a number       In the batch house where raw
             THE GLASS PRODUCTION             of plants across the world       materials are mixed, Airchoc  air
             PROCESS                          improve    their  productivity;  cannons can be installed in bulk
               Material build-ups in the glass   reduce cleaning costs and lower   material silos. Specific silos or
             production process often lead    accident risks.                  hoppers containing cullet can also

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