Page 68 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 4-2019
P. 68

         Interview  glass manufacturing technology
             are produced from Indian manu-
             facturing plants.

               GMP&A:  How important is

             for container glass manufactur-
               Vijay Shah:  Glass manufac-
             turing technology is very impor-
             tant for container glass manufac-
             turers. Though the basic glass-
             making concept hasn’t changed
             over the years, the whole process
             has exponentially evolved through
             new innovation and incorpo-
             rating modern technology and
             systems in place. On the other
             hand, with the rapidly chang-
             ing external environment as a
             result of emerging technologies,
             ubiquitous devices, and millenni-
             als joining the workforce, many
             industries are getting disrupted.
             We are also quickly embracing    for Smart Manufacturing across      Vijay Shah: We have recently
             this new paradigm and pioneer-   our global locations, to increase   invested around USD 85 million
             ing digital transformation and   efficiency, improve quality, and   to modernize one of our premium
             modern technology in the glass   reduce energy consumption. This   perfume bottle furnace and our
             industry.                        is a cloud-based, IoT-enabled    decoration facility in Kosamba,
               We are strongly focusing on    platform for real-time monitor-  India. In addition, over the next
             executing our digital strategy to   ing. We are partnering with start-  two years, we are planning to
             transform every aspect of our    ups and academia to solve com-   invest over USD 70 million to
             business, including people, pro-  plex problems and enhance busi-  further modernize and expand
             cesses, supply chain, and cus-   ness efficiencies using disruptive   our manufacturing facilities. O
             tomer service to become a more   technologies.
             agile organization. As part of our
             data-driven approach and overall     GMP&A:  In Financial Year
             Digital strategy, we have success-  2018, Cosmetic & Perfumery
             fully implemented multiple digi-  contributed around 37 per cent
             tal initiatives, including a real-  to your revenues, followed by
             time plant monitoring system to   pharmaceutical (40 per cent) and
             improve production efficiency,    SF&B (24 per cent) segments.
             voice recognition and a video    How has performance been in
             analytics system to enhance pro-  FY 2019?
             ductivity, as well as a real-time   Vijay Shah:  Our Cosmetics
             transportation tracking system to   and Perfumery segment contrib-
             enable supply-chain visibility. In   ute around 50 per cent to our   PIRAMAL GLASS
             order to encourage innovation    revenue, followed by pharma-                 LTD
             across the organization, we have   ceutical segment that is around
             rolled out an enterprise-wide    30 percent, and specialty food &      Piramal Tower Annexe, 6th Floor,
             innovation platform that enables   beverage segment is around 20    Peninsula Corporate Park, Off Worli Naka
             crowd-sourcing of ideas from     per cent.                           Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013
             our employees and partners. We                                           Tel.: +91 - 22 - 56636969
             have gamified the complete end-     GMP&A: Does your company             Fax: +91 – 22 - 24908824
             to-end process, from idea gener-  have any expansion plans in the      E-mail:
             ation to implementation. We have   pipeline? If yes, could you share
             implemented a Digital Platform   them with our readers?

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