Page 54 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5-2019
P. 54

INTERVIEW                       and head of production, but
        Interview  7,000 tons are for the glass   head operator for each produc-
            ably make us the biggest manu-
                                             we already have a Bulgarian
            facturer and supplier in Europe.
              SIGMA – Mandelli: And these
                                             tion step (forming, pressing, and
            industry alone. We also work for
            other industrial sectors but glass
                                                GMP&A: What kind of develop-
            makes up for about 90 per cent
            of our turnover.
                                             ments have been made in your
                                             commercial activities?
              GMP&A:  Let’s go back to
                                                SIGMA – Mari: Obviously, as for
            Bulgaria. You said that work has
            already begun on the third unit,
                                             for your products you need to
                                             carry out important commercial
            with a third furnace for pressed
            refractories …                   all companies, to receive orders
                                             activities which, for SIGMA,
              SIGMA – Mari: Yes, there will be   are based mainly in Italy, but
            production lines and driers, and   are starting to be carried out in
            this in turn will lead to a probable   Bulgaria too. In fact, we have a
            investment in another furnace too.  commercial office there with two
                                             operators who speak Bulgarian-
              GMP&A: What about the work-    Turkish and Bulgarian-Russian,
            force in Bulgaria?               who work mainly on the Balkan
              SIGMA – Mari: We did have some   areas and East Europe. This year
            problems at the beginning with   we also entered new markets
            an incredible turnover of per-   such as Belorussia, Ukraine and
            sonnel – a normality for that    Russia, with excellent results.
            country. But now after five years    We have received orders for
            we have reached a good level of   complete plants in Belorussia,   also reached an extremely good
            trained personnel. We also have   Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria.   level, and our plans for the near
            a couple of our skilled operators   In Bulgaria, for example, the new   future - by the end of this year –
            from SIGMA Italia there more     furnace for Barbosa Almeida (BA   are for a new furnace to continue
            or less on a permanent basis (like   Group) was set up by SIGMA    to respond to requests from the
            myself).                         Italy and Bulgaria together. Of   market and clients.
              We are now working on train-   course this is also thanks to the   SIGMA – Mandelli: The Italian
            ing more skilled personnel for   expansion we have been and are    market, our longstanding mar-
            important roles there too, such   still carrying out.              ket followed by Alberto Tedeschi,
            as for the technical department     Our results here in Italy have   Sales Director, represents an

              The growth

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