Page 58 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5-2019
P. 58

        Company developments


                                            investing for the future

                    ver the last five years,   the fight against climate change.   of innovative initiatives focused
                    glass container manufac-    The company’s long-term aspi-  intently on these aims, as well as
            Oturer and beverage filling       ration is to become the world’s   with a keen eye on maintaining
            provider, Encirc, has grown to   most sustainable manufacturer     its place at the cutting-edge of
            become a unique player within    and it’s already had some fan-    the glass industry.
            the European packaging market.   tastic success in meeting this      Indeed,    parent   compa-
            The company is a leading cham-   ambition.                         ny Vidrala Group is invest-
            pion of sustainable manufactur-     From production to logistics,   ing a total of EUR 500 million
            ing, and is vocal about the role   Encirc has invested - and con-  across its plants in Europe, with
            that manufacturers must play in   tinues to invest - in a variety   more than GBP 140 million of

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