Page 55 - Glass Machinery Plants & Accessories no. 5-2019
P. 55

important part of the total turno-  per year over the past ten years,   pany REFRATRADE, made up
            ver, in a range of 20-25 per cent   which positions us really well as   of a series of area managers who
            and almost all glass factories in   suppliers for large groups world-  each take care of their geographi-
            Italy are regular customers.     wide.                             cal market sectors.
              We have also widened our          What’s more, almost all our
            market in Europe and started to   products are included in the       GMP&A:  When you say large
            work with the Vetropack Group    Global Approved Supplier List of   groups, do these include impor-
            this year.                       O-I, who have recently approved   tant names such as Verallia and
              At the same time, each year we   our high alumina channel blocks   Ardagh for example?
            are contacted by a series of new   - trademark A 95 V.               SIGMA – Mandelli:  Certainly.
            clients who are, however, fur-      SIGMA – Mari: … which is       We have been working constant-
            ther and further from Italy. We   the only bonded high-alumina     ly with O-I, Verallia, Bormioli,
            are now supplying for example    approved by O-I and which is      Zignago,   Vetrerie   Riunite,
            Orora Group in Australia with    an important strong point to      Saverglass, Stoelzle… for more
            over EUR 1 million of refractory   SIGMA.                          than 20 years, which has enabled
            materials.                          SIGMA – Mandelli: Last year we   us to gain an important share of
              We are also active in a num-   supplied high alumina channels    the market. We are also grow-
            ber of areas such as South (O-I   for three lines in O-I Brisbane,   ing with regards to Vidrala and
            plants in Peru and Colombia)     and we will soon be supplying     Ardagh, even if more slowly, as
            and Central America (O-I, Vitro   to O-I Sydney and O-I Rio de     well as BA, where we have an
            and Saverglass Mexico) as well   Janeiro,                          important advantage thanks to
            as the Far East – China for exam-                                  our Bulgarian unit!
            ple, where we sold products for     GMP&A: How are your sales        The US market, which is one
            EUR 1 million in 2018.           carried out – with agents or      of the most difficult markets for
              In Central America, we are     directly?                         companies that do not have an
            working with Grupo Modelo on a      SIGMA – Mandelli:  We do still   office or direct contact there,
            supply for almost USD 2 million.   have some agents, in areas such   is also opening up for SIGMA,
              We have, in fact, been report-  as China and Latin America,      where we are supplying Libbey
            ing an increase in group turnover   but sales are usually carried out   and Gallo Glass.
            in a range of 10-20 per cent     directly by our commercial com-     SIGMA – Mari: We can certainly

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