Page 32 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
P. 32


                 From warm iridescence to whitish
             luminescence – the infinitely adjustable
              colour temperature enables a range of
                       moods to be created

           ing also possesses different
           Uglevels: Depending on the
           location and function, the
           glazing has a range of val-
           ues between 0.6 W/m2K
           and 0.9 W/m2K. Those
           which need good thermal
           insulation due to the mini-
           mal sunlight, have a very
           low Ug value of just 0.6 W/
           m2K, whilst those with a
           higher energy input in turn   Copyright: Glas Trösch
           also have a higher Ug value.
           In addition, all window ele-
           ments have solar protection
           elements so that the rooms   printing or designs can   signs and accentuates them   building technology and
           can be protected against   be individually applied.   even more.             can also be equipped with a
           overheating in strong sun-  SCREENLIGHT can be      Luminous glass uses a    touch dimmer. This makes
           light.                    used in kitchens, bath-   maintenance-free and en-  SCREENLIGHT versatile,
           The use of SILVERSTAR     rooms,  boutiques  and    ergy-saving, high-end LED  so it can be customised
           EN2plus also provides for   hotel rooms, turning im-  technology with the “Tun-  and configured according
           a very good light trans-  ages, photos and graph-   able white” function that   to the needs and require-
           mittance value of over 70   ics into cosy light sources   allows for an infinitely ad-  ments.
           per cent in the triple pane   or luminous eye-catchers.  justable colour tempera-  SILVERSTAR
           design which contributes   SCREENLIGHT is made      ture from cold white to   BIRDPROTECT
           to the brightness in the   to measure and can be    warm white.
           room. The colour neutral-  printed with both a design   SCREENLIGHT is easy   The usage of glass for large
           ity of SILVERSTAR EN-     from the Glas Trösch Col-  to install as it consists of   surface areas is one of the
           2plus provides clarity and   lection as well as with an   a KNX-enabled box which   key design features of con-
           transparency, whilst the   individual design. Thanks   can be integrated into any   temporary façades today,
           low reflection value of 14   to the use of digital print-
           per cent reduces annoy-   ing technology the range of
           ing reflections on the glass   options is almost limitless –
           surfaces, improving the   SCREENLIGHT lights up                                                   Copyright: Glas Trösch
           outlook from the inside of   both graphics and photos
           the rooms.                or paintings.
                                     The near invisible frame
           SCREENLIGHT               ensures the light is uni-
           CUSTOMISABLE              formly distributed right
           LIGHT GLASS
                                     up to the edge and gives
           With    SCREENLIGHT,      the luminous images a so-
           Glas Trösch has developed   phisticated look. The all-
           a luminous glass just 20  over lighting gives a special
           millimetres thick on which   depth to the applied de-

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