Page 37 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
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glass cutting lines (also
LiSEC, based in Hausmening/Amstetten, is a globally active group, which has been offering innovative for laminated glass), KBF
individual and overall solutions in the field of processing and refining of flat glass for more than 50 years. and KSR glass processing
LiSEC’s service portfolio comprises machines, automation solutions and services. In 2015, the group and machines, one IG line with
its approximately 1,300 employees and more than 20 locations generated an aggregate turnover of about flexible spacer applicator,
EUR 230 million at an export rate of more than 90 per cent. LiSEC develops and produces glass cutting a spacer processing cen-
and sorting systems, individual components and entire production lines for the production of insulating
and laminated glass as well as machines for the processing of glass edges and tempering systems. With tre and a production line
reliable technology and intelligent automation solutions, LiSEC sets standards in terms of quality and for laminated glass with
technology and makes a substantial contribution to the success of its customers. autoclave and clean room.
On top of that, LiSEC also
delivered the entire soft-
ware solution.
Tomi´c: “We opted for
order books are full - for LiSEC for two reasons: on
the next two years, that is. the one hand we wanted
KFK got, amongst others, to install and manufacture
the contract to produce with the best equipment
the glass façade of Eu- on the market – LiSEC’s
rope’s highest building, to slogan ‘best in glass pro-
be erected in London, UK: cessing’ puts this in a nut-
Landmark Pinnacle. This shell, on the other hand, we
building counts 76 floors, were looking for a supplier
with production time calcu- who is able to offer the en-
lated for all glass elements tire solution from a single
are 440 days. Tomi´c: “The source.”
time schedule is a very tight IN-HOUSE GLASS
one, but this is what we call PRODUCTION
healthy stress.”
For its own glass produc-
GROWTH AND INDE- tion, a new 2,000 square
meter hall was built. The
One major decision of design of the hall is unique
KFK in order to be able and expresses KFK’s un-
to realize its growth stra- derstanding of and close-
tegy was to become more ness to architecture: red-
independent from suppli- brick walls, black painted
ers. Tomi´c: “We used to metal ceilings, a light grey
buy all our glasses from floor and impressive, mas-
suppliers and had to deal sive glass façades that
with quality issues and/or allow for bright, light-
constantly changing de- flooded rooms. The result:
livery times. We therefore a truly great environment
decided to increase added to produce high-end glass
value – a big step for us, elements but also to wel-
but we are convinced this come people, customers
will lead to success.” Since and employees.
October 2016, the follow- Tomi´c: “We are really hap-
ing LiSEC glass produc- py with the performance
With the new investments, tion equipment has been of LiSEC. There were a
KFK is able to follow its slogan “We can offer a solution” more than ever installed: buffer solution, total of 119 trucks that
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