Page 34 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
P. 34

                                                                                        SWISSRAILING two sided NG
                                                                                        ensures that the transparency of
                                                                                        floor-to-ceiling window elements
                                                                                        is retained, even with additional
                                                                                        barrier glazing

                                                                                        masking the bolts in the
                                                                                        structure. The glass used
                                                                                        is available in widths of up
                                                                                        to four metres and can also
                                                                                        be printed or embellished
                                                                                        with matte or coloured
                                                                                        film – SWISSRAILING
                                                                                        two sided NG can there-
                                                                                        fore harmoniously comple-
                                                                                        ment the overall architec-
                                                                                        tural impression or form a
                                                                                        decorative highlight in the
                                                                                        SWISSRAILING two sid-
                                                                                        ed NG is a complete sys-
                                                                                   Copyright: Glas Trösch  tem comprising two cross
                                                                                        bars, one pane of lami-
                                                                                        nated safety glass, elegant
                                                                                        edge protection and fasten-
                                                                                        ing bolts – there is no need
           mum level of 99, ensuring   double insulating glass and   and design-related require-  for any further materials or
           optimum visibility to the   52 per cent with the tri-  ments across the board:   structural  modifications.
           outside. Thanks to the in-  ple version. SILVERSTAR   with elegant cross bars and   The glass railing can be at-
           novative   SILVERSTAR     WHITESHINE therefore      premium laminated safety   tached to window sections
           technology of the coated   supplies interior spaces   glass, the system guaran-  made of plastic, wood,
           glass, the views remain   with sufficient daylight   tees the highest levels of   aluminium or steel in the
           uniform from every angle.  and in combination with a   transparency,  aesthetics  reveal, on the masonry or
           SILVERSTAR     WHITE-     thermal protection coating   and safety.           on balusters, and are easy
           SHINE also meets the      simultaneously guarantees   The use of SWISSRAIL-  to fit with a shutter or solar
           stringent demands of mod-  a pleasant indoor climate.   ING two sided NG retains   shading system. In compli-
           ern construction for an im-  SILVERSTAR  WHITE-     the transparency and aes-  ance with DIN 18008-4,
           proved indoor climate with   SHINE can be also com-  thetics of the façade, also   SWISSRAILING two sid-
           energy-saving  features.  bined with sound insula-  acting as a protective bar-  ed NG meets the require-
           The total energy transmit-  tion and security functions,   rier, while the glass rail-  ments for barrier glazing
           tance in summer for a dou-  spandrel glass is also avail-  ing elegantly complements   and has thus been issued a
           ble insulating glass with   able. The glass is produced   the general architectural   building standards inspec-
           additional SILVERSTAR     as lehr end sizes in thick-  concept. The cross bars   tion certificate.
           EN2plus coating is 47 per   ness of 4-12 millimetres at   in SWISSRAILING two
           cent and therefore offers   Glas Trösch in Bützberg,   sided NG are available
           very good solar control.  Switzerland and is not    with a wide range of col-
           With a heat transmission   temperable.              our coatings and can thus    Glas Trösch AG
           coefficient of 1.1 W/m2K   SWISSRAILING TWO          be matched to the col-
           for double or 0.6 W/m2K   SIDED NG GLASS            our design of the façade.
           for triple insulating glass,   RAILING SYSTEM       To reduce the visibility of
           the    comfortableclimate                           structural materials to a
           inside the building is also   SWISSRAILING two sid-  minimum, the new genera-
                                                                                           Industriestrasse 12
           maintained in the winter.  ed NG from Glas Trösch is   tion of SWISSRAILING
                                                                                           Ch-4922 Bützberg -
           In turn, the light transmit-  a glass railing system that   two sided also features   Switzerland
           tance is 56 per cent with   meets stringent functional   glare protection, effectively   Tel.: 0041-62-9585400
                                                                                           Fax: 0041-62-9585394

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