Page 33 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
P. 33
Copyright: Glas Trösch
various specialists and in
THE ‘PALM OF compliance with the “palm
THE HAND RULE’ of the hand” rule and the
AS A CRITERION degree of printing, the
tect product allows for in-
Because birds are used dividual designs, without
to flying through dense compromising the strict
branches they see even requirements for bird pro-
small open spaces as a tection.
fly-through opportunity. SILVERSTAR
In order to meet the con- WHITESHINE
ditions for highly effective
bird protection, the gap SILVESTAR WHITE-
between the individual im- SHINE allows the natural
ages must be no larger than outdoor space to flood into
the palm of a hand. An ad- the interior of buildings,
ditional indication for the providing thermal and so-
optimal visibility of trans- lar protection for and safe-
parent surfaces is the mini- guarding the privacy of this
mum 15 per cent intensity internal space. Moreover,
SILVERSTAR BIRDprotect also offers flexible design of the printing of the glass. thanks to its fine, silvery-
offers an individual look. solutions. These criteria also formed white coating, this prod-
The “palm of the hand rule” the basis for the develop- uct also ensures that the
provides for optimum protection VISIBLE STRUCTURES
against bird strike GUARANTEE ment of the bird-friendly incoming light is reflected
EFFECTIVE SILVERSTAR BIRDpro- onto the external side, cre-
ating a brilliant play of col-
PROTECTION our on the surface of the
providing an abundance of There is a widespread as- SOLUTIONS façade.
natural light. Whilst these sumption that placing sil- FOR BIRD-FRIENDLY The reflection of the natural
properties are beneficial houettes of birds of prey on CONSTRUCTION environment enables SIL-
for users, transparent or windows is a proven meas- VERSTAR WHITESHINE
even reflective glass sur- ure against bird strikes. Thanks to a highly flexi- to produce differing reflec-
faces represent a source of However, studies have ble printing process, Glas tions on the interface de-
danger for birds. Although shown thatnthis precaution Trösch also offers the op- pending upon the weather
there are corresponding does not provide sufficient portunity for developing a conditions and at the same
guidelines in place for pre- protection against bird very specific design – co- time creates high visibility,
venting birds striking win- deaths. According to the ordinated to match indi- solar control and thermal
dows, up to date this has Swiss Ornithological Insti- vidual design ideas. The protection. With a twin
not been achieved to suf- tute, effective protection for selected motifs can be ap- pane design comprising
ficient extent using an ap- birds can only be achieved plied to both thermal and insulating glass and addi-
propriate façade design. through visible textures solar control coatings, re- tional SILVERSTAR EN-
With the new SILVER- applied in a flat design all gardless of where the in- 2plus thermal protection
STAR BIRDprotect, in col- over the glass. The new sulating glass is installed. coating applied to posi-
laboration with the Swiss SILVERSTAR BIRDpro- BIRDprotect provides for tion three, the level of ex-
Ornithological Institute tect offers such a solution: an almost uninterrupted ternal light reflection is 38
in Sempach, Glas Trösch The motifs printed onto view outside, ensuring suf- per cent, whilst the colour
has now developed a type the glazing enable birds to ficient daylight and a pleas- reproduction index Ra in
of glass which significantly clearly identify the surface ant room climate. transmission simultane-
reduces bird strikes and as an obstacle. In consultation with the ously reaches the maxi-
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