Page 41 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
P. 41


                                                                   Edgetech’s Super Spacer  flexible foam-based spacer systems
                                                                   act as energy-efficient warm edge spacers in insulating glass
                                                                   windows. They significantly reduce energy loss to the outside,
                                                                   largely prevent condensation and also contribute to the lifespan
                                                                   of a window.
                                                                   Edgetech Europe GmbH, located in Heinsberg Germany,
                                                                   is a fully-owned subsidiary of Quanex Building Products
                                     in the US was ultimately also
                EAMLESS              an economic success.          Corporation, a leading global provider of energy-efficient
                INTEGRATION                                        components such as window and door profile systems, flexible
           S WITHIN                  AUTOMATED,                    insulating-glass spacers, edge seals for photovoltaic modules,
           AUTOMATED                 ECONOMICAL                    wooden floors and ceiling profiles, as well as window and
           INSULATING GLASS          INSULATING GLASS              door grilles, with its head offices in Houston, Texas. Based on
                                                                   turnover Edgetech/Quanex is the world‘s largest manufacturer
           PRODUCTION                PRODUCTION                    of spacers. Edgetech Europe GmbH is a sales location for the
           PROCESSES                 FROM A LOT SIZE               markets in continental Europe and one of the three worldwide
                                     OF 1 UPWARDS
           Some 2,790 square metres                                Edgetech production plants, with a total of 450 employees and
           of insulating glass were cold   JE Berkowitz, one of the   16 extruders.
           bent on-site for the glass fa-  leading manufacturers of
           çade of the T-Mobile Arena   architectural glass in North
           in Las Vegas and mount-   America, and Edgetech/    spans the historical Mos-  Stoss, Managing Direc-
           ed within the aluminium   Quanex have already suc-  cow commercial court of   tor of Edgetech Europe
           frames. The cold-bending   cessfully collaborated in   Gostiny Dvor. “In addition   GmbH, Heinsberg-based.
           process together with the   the completion of many   to large glass surfaces, or-  “Lot size 1 constitutes the
           highly automated produc-  projects; in Europe, for   ganic curves and dynamic   rule for some projects more
           tion of the IG units ensured   example, the curved glass   shapes constitute an on-  often than the exception.
           that the largest project of   roof measuring more than   going theme in architec-  Manufacturers such as JE
           this type ever implemented   12,500 square metres that   ture,” according to Joachim   Berkowitz can only attain

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