Page 38 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
P. 38


           At the Dugo Selo site,
           200 employees generate
           a turnover of around  EUR
           60 million, a third of which
           is based on export

           transported the equip-                              they know how to do this,
           ment to us – this must                              since they produce glass    LiSEC Group
           have been a huge project                            themselves. We appreciate
           that needed careful moni-                           the constructive talks, the
           toring. LiSEC managed                               fast reaction time and the
           this really well.” When                             overall stress-free coop-
           asked about the quality of                          eration.”
           the cooperation between                             At Dugo Selo the next in-   Bahnhofstrasse 34
           KFK and LiSEC, Tomi´c                               vestments are already being   A-3363 Hausmening
           replies: “To us LiSEC is   Marijo Tomi´c, Head of Production   discussed. Tomi´c: ”I can-  Austria
           not only a machine build-  at KFK about the cooperation with   not reveal any details yet,   Tel.: +43-7475-5050
           er, the company also of-   LiSEC: “To us LiSEC is not only a   but as I mentioned before:   Fax: +43-7475-50540
                                      machine builder, they also offered
           fered support and trained                           we are growing quickly and   E-mail:
                                      support and trained us in getting
           us in getting started with   started with glass production ...”  the next decision won’t
           glass production – and                              take long…”

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