Page 42 - Glass-Technology International no. 3/2017
P. 42


                                                                                        pressure-sensitive adhesive
                                                                                        placed on the side of the
                                                                                        spacer holds the glass and
                                                                                        spacers together. Narrow
                                                                                        tolerances and the parallel-
                                                                                        ism of even large panes of
                                                                                        glass are guaranteed. The
                                                                                        low sightline ensures that
                                                                                        Super Spacer  spacers are
                                                                                        not located in the visible
                                                                                        area, even narrow frame
                                                                                        profiles and lower glass
                                                                                        edge rebates can be realised.
                                                                                        Moreover, the primary poly-
                                                                                        isobutylene seal is applied in
                                                                                        a concealed manner and, it
                                                                                        is also virtually impossible
                                                                                        for it to migrate from the
                                                                                        edge seal onto the pane of
                                                                                        glass over the years.
                                                                                        A MODEL EXAMPLE
                                                                                        OF TEAMWORK
                                                                                        JE Berkowitz was also in
                                                                                        demand at the T-Mobile
                                                                                        Arena in Las Vegas by
                                                                                        offering the greatest pos-
                                                                                        sible production efficiency
                                                                                        and creativity to find the
                                                                                        right solution. ‘Desert dia-
                                                                                        mond’ is what the stadium
                                                                                        experts of the Kansas-based
                                                                                        architecture firm Populous
                                                                                        call the multifunctional area
                                                                                        with a maximum capacity of
                                                                                        20,000 spectators that was
                                                                                        officially opened in 2016,
           the necessary levels of flexi-  offer maximum versatility,   on process steps such as   and which ultimately cost
           bility and cost-effectiveness   i.e. the combination of as   the cutting into shape of the   USD 375 million to con-
           through production that is   many glass types and for-  glass, bending and filling   struct. “The dynamic de-
           largely automated. Produc-  mats as possible, in addition   of it with desiccant. How-  sign tells a cohesive story
           ing curved glass alternat-  to all the necessary sealants   ever, they don’t just reduce   about Las Vegas and all its
           ing with flat glass panes is    and spacers, whilst also be-  the unit costs through their   contrasting influences,” ac-
           very simple using Super   ing easy to handle. Flexi-  automated insulating glass   cording to a Populous press
           Spacer  spacers. We are   ble spacers such as Super   production. The extremely   release. To the west you can
           obviously very proud that   Spacer , which are applied   precise application of the   see the Mojave desert and
           our products are favoured   directly from a reel and al-  edge seal using robots also   the Spring Mountains and
           by JE Berkowitz for the pro-  ready have the desiccant in-  ensures that quality and ap-  the Las Vegas Boulevard,
           duction of insulating glass.”  tegrated within them, save,   pearance are right. During   which pulsates day and
           Modern production must    compared to rigid spacers,   the pressing, the acrylate   night. An expansive, ellipti-

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