Page 45 - Glass-Technology International no. 6/2017
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overstated that Dip-Tech’s   because we believe that for   pected to close before the   effectively with Dip-Tech,
           printers are blazingly fast.  Dip-Tech, and Dip-Tech’s   end of the year).   the company has begun
           The booth and all promo-  customers, this step is very   Perhaps a more important   training Ferro employees.
           tional materials display “A   important.”           facet of the acquisition   Just before Vitrum 2017,
           Ferro Company,” the result   The first benefit mentioned   is Dip-Tech gaining the   Dip-Tech hosted a training
           of Dip-Tech’s acquisition   is the ability to expand Dip-  clout of a parent company.   seminar for Ferro teams
           by Ferro Corporation in   Tech’s portfolio of products.   Speaking on this benefit,   from Italy, France, Turkey
           August 2017. Knowing this   Alon said, “Ferro is an ex-  Alon said, “Ferro has of-  and Spain, and they plan
           is an important milestone   pert in all the raw materi-  fices in 28 countries and   to host more seminars to
           for the company, Glass-   als that are part of our inks,   over 5,000 employees, so   help  Ferro  understand
           Technology International   having their experience,   together we can do much   what Dip-Tech offers and
           sat with Dip-Tech Manag-  their thousands of products   more across the global   their advantages, and what
           ing Director Alon Lumbro-  in this area, allows us to pick   market. Dip-Tech is a rela-  its vision for the future is.
           so and Marketing Manager   the right products from their   tively small company with   Training has already been
           Shirley Segev to discuss   portfolio and develop new   110 employees and it is   completed  for  Ferro’s
           the partnership with Ferro   inks for our customers.”  quite challenging to evolve   North America and Asia
           and the benefits of their   Ferro’s already extensive   over the 60 countries we   branches, and over the next
           new relationship.         line of materials has re-  are now selling in. With   year, more teams will be
           Asking how the acquisition   cently been bolstered by ac-  Ferro, it will be much,   brought in, allowing them
           will affect their business,   quisitions of Endeka Group   much easier.      to work together more ef-
           Alon said, “For me per-   and Gardenia Quimica,     “Additionally, there is the   fectively.
           sonally and for Dip-Tech, I   which were also added to   credit we have in dealing   The relationship also has
           think it’s a very good move.   the company’s expanding   with our prospects. We   benefits for Ferro. “Dip-
           I was busy with this trans-  portfolio. These additions   are talking to glass proces-  Tech is very different from
           action for quite a while,   will undoubtedly also aid   sors who have more con-  the other companies Ferro
           and we put a lot of effort   Dip-Tech in developing new   fidence now to buy from   has recently acquired. They
           to make it happen together   inks for their printers. (The   us because they’ve known   are materials companies,
           with Ferro’s management,   Endeka acquisition is ex-  Ferro for a long time. They   and we are the only com-
                                                               appreciate Ferro as a pro-  pany within Ferro that is
                                                               fessional company, very   selling capital equipment.
                                                               stable, very strong, and   It’s a completely differ-
                                                               now that Dip-Tech is part   ent business when you sell
                                                               of Ferro platform, it’s a   materials. You sell, you get
                                                               strong reference. So they   the money in thirty days,
                                                               feel more confident to buy   done deal.  For us, it’s
                                                               equipment from us.”      completely different. Sales
                                                               Already, having the clout   cycles might reach two to
                                                               of Ferro has had a positive   three years. Once the or-
                                                               benefit for Dip-Tech. Alon   der is received, we build
                                                               said, “I just spoke with our   the machine for the cus-
                                                               agent in Spain about a cer-  tomer. We test the machine
                                                               tain prospect that we have   before shipping it to them,
                                                               been in touch with for a   then install it. We manage
                                                               while. Now our agent up-  training sessions, technical
                                                               dated me that since we are   support, spare parts service
                                                               part of Ferro, it will help   and much more. We con-
                                                               him to make a decision   sider ourselves married to
                                                               since he has known Ferro   that customer for life and
                                                               for many years.”         we want this marriage to
                                                               To help Ferro work more   succeed. It’s a new busi-

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