Page 47 - Glass-Technology International no. 6/2017
P. 47

ket, but over time our fo-  some big news to share.  booth demonstrate how
                                     cus shifted to architecture.   Immediately after the in-  they can be fused togeth-
                                     We would like to go back   terview, Shirley began a   er to produce incredible
                                     into this market and claim   tour of the Dip-Tech booth,   works of art.
                                     a larger share. To give an   pointing out several of the   Shirley offered an example
                                     example, automotive glass   design patterns intended   of using digital printing to
                                     makers previously used    for exterior and interior   simulate stained glass. “We
                                     our machines to do smaller   architecture projects as   have some amazing pro-
                                     print runs of 20 or 30 units,   well as for interior design.   jects with customers who
                                     and above those num-      As part of its service to   are using digital printing
                                     bers, they would use silk   clients, Dip-Tech offers a   for stained glass applica-
           are focusing more on ma-  or screen printing because   catalogue of copyright-  tion because obviously it
           chines that will replace or   it was not cost effective to   free patterns that can be   saves them many resourc-
           complement screen print-  set up screen printing for   printed in a single colour   es. Instead of a project tak-
           ing solutions. Where before   such small numbers. Now   or using a variety of mate-  ing one year and costing
           we were pushing into ar-  with our newer lines of   rial textures. The patterns   a lot of money, they can
           chitecture, now we are ad-  machines, which are faster   are saved as vector files,   complete the project in sev-
           dressing other markets that   and even more reliable, they   meaning they can be scaled   eral days.”
           were already working with   can use our printers for   however large or small a   The tour included a view-
           silk or screen printing, and   runs of two, three or even   designer wants without a   ing of several glass panels
           we would like to capture a   four hundred units as their   loss of image quality. The   using the same copyright-
           larger part of this market   break-even point.”     number of ways that pat-  free patterns in varying lev-
           with digital printing.”   At the conclusion of the in-  terns can be combined and   els of opacity and pattern
           One of the examples Alon   terview, Alon also hinted at   altered seems to be limited   density, and Shirley ex-
           gave was the automotive   more developments, saying   only by the imagination of   plained how these patterns
           market. “Dip-Tech started   that at next year’s Glasstec   the architect, and even the   could be used functionally
           with the automotive mar-  exhibition, they would have   few examples shown in the   for energy control on exte-

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