Page 49 - Glass-Technology International no. 6/2017
P. 49
pointed out two designs basic colours. Dip-Tech cludes an indicator if the Here again, the uses of this
in the booth mounted on has six basic colours, and colour references a RAL or kind of application are near
bars and backlit. Lower- special inks like etch, side Pantone colour. limitless. They can be used
ing or raising the light level one and slip resistance. The “And now, the advantage to print art for display in
revealed additional pat- machines will mix these with the new generation homes or businesses, or to
terns printed on the glass ink colours to produce any of NEra printer is that the print logos or artwork on
over the texture, and this colour, but we also have an process of changing these bus windows. (Or any win-
kind of application could application we call CMiX, custom inks is much fast- dows, as Shirley suggested
be used in nightclubs, mu- another tool that is used for er, within fifteen minutes, libraries and museums
seums and market venues premixes. So, if a designer while our competitors need might also take advantage
in a variety of creative and wants a certain shade of hours. This is a very clear of the technology.) Using a
eye-catching ways. blue, they would get a se- advantage.” knockout effect on an image
Shirley brought up an- lection of shades to choose The next part of the tour and printing first layer in
other service called CMiX. from, and they would then showcased several works colours, while printing an-
“Usually customers work receive a recipe that shows of art and images, both in other layer using only black
with digital mixed colours, them what inks to mix out- full colour and black and ink, it is possible to display
meaning a great variety side the machine to get the white, which helps to high- art on one side of a window
of colours which are cre- exact shade they need and light the capabilities of the while still granting visibility
ated throughout the print- then put it in the machine printers in displaying high through the window’s other
ing process, by mixing the to print. This tool also in- resolution custom images. side with only black dots
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