Page 52 - Glass-Technology International no. 6/2017
P. 52

Company presentation

                ecno-Glass    was    fessional sectors. Manuela
                founded about 40     Canzano  manages  and  co-
           T years ago by the        ordinates the administra-
           Canzano family and has,   tion department, aiming at
           over the years, grown to its   responding to client needs
           present size and situation,   and demands efficiently, in
           with the second generation   the shortest time possible.
           of the family already work-  Sandro Canzano, on the
           ing in the company. Spe-  other hand, is the person    mfc-radIanT
           cialized in the production   who had the idea and set     Bicomponent
           and distribution of acces-  up Tecno-Glass design and   hydraulic extruder
           sories for glassworks, Tec-  construction  department,
           no-Glass offers top-range   which has, in ten years of
           products dedicated to the   activity, created numerous
           most important companies   glass processing machines,
           of the sector.            all featuring ease of use, easy
           Tecno-Glass  continues  to   maintenance operations and
           consolidate  its  presence   attention to details, and – of
           in  Italy  and  international   course – without forgetting
           markets, expanding its pro-  operator safety.
                                                                    MFC-RADIANT BICoMpoNeNT
                                                                    HyDRAulIC exTRuDeR

                                                                    Technical features
                                                                    Compact Dimensions (mm):   L(w) 1700 - H(h) 2300 - P(d) 1800
                                                                    Extended Dimensions (mm):   L(w) 3450 - H(h) 3100 - P(d) 1870
                                                                    Weight:               800 kg
                                                                    Input power:          3 kw
                                                                    Power supply:         380v Triphase + N 50Hz
                                                                    Air pressure:         From 3 up to 8 bar
                                                                    Base component pump:   GRACO hydraulic supply
                                                                    Catalyst pump:        GRACO pneumatic supply
                                                                    Proportioner pump:    -GRACO-
                                                                    Flow rate:            2000 – 6000 cc/min
                                                                    Mixing ratio:         1/8 - 1/9 - 1/10 - 1/12
                                                                    Engine supply:        1.1 kW
                                                                    Hydraulic power unit:   Variable flow
                                                                    Cooling system:       Air/oil cooling
                                                                    Pump hose length:     3,000 mm
                                                                    Alarm system:         Maximum pressure + Catalyst time
                                                                    Sampling check:       Available
                                                                    Piping support arm:   orientable up to 180°
                                                                    Piping:               Teflon - PTFE
                                                                    Heating kit:          4 flat heating elements (500W) (optional)
                                                                    Base pump heating kit:   One band heating element (optional)
                                                                    Hose heating kit:     1 rope heating element (optional)
                                                                    Temperature control kit:   1 Probe PT100 (optional)
                                                                    Washing pump:         GRACO Pneumatic Merkur (optional)
                                                                    Gun balanced arm:     Pneumatic (optional)
                                                                    Input Drums Wheels:   3 + Transpallet

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