Page 75 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
P. 75

Open, communicative, creative: at

              the new European headquarters of

              the Lapp Group (U.I. Lapp GmbH)

              in Stuttgart-Vaihingen the open-

              space concept is lived right into                EControl,” explains Dr.   lation glass ECONTROL

              the detail. This central theme                   Uwe Lehmkühler from the   45/8 at the strongest dim-
                                                               architect’s office in Stuttgart.
                                                                                        ming level is only eight per
                                                                                        cent – which also reduces
              influences the entire architectural              ENTRANCE AREA            the requirement for air
                                                               AS HIGH-TECH             conditioning. Because the
              concept: the transparent exterior                CALLING CARD             panes can be regulated in
                                                               In the atrium, with its   steps, the shading always
              of the administration building is                16-metre-high glass fa-  matches the current weath-
                                                               çade, 85 square metres of   er conditions. When it is
              characterized by large window                    ECONTROL smart 45/8      dull outside, the glazing
                                                                                        allows a lot of daylight to
                                                               provides shading within
                                                               the glass, an unobstructed   enter the building. Exter-
              areas; the two L-shaped wings of                 view in the best weather   nal shading is unnecessary
                                                               and a pleasant climate in   with this glass. “Whereas
              the building are connected by a                  the foyer. With their elec-  blinds block the view to the
                                                               trochromic properties, the   outside, our glass preserves
              16-metre-high glass atrium. In order             glass panes combat over-  the transparency,” explains
                                                               heating of the atrium whilst   EControl Managing Direc-
              to maintain the openness, Lapp                   maintaining transparency.   tor Tobias John.
                                                                                        The highly functional prin-
                                                               The solar factor (total en-
                                                               ergy transmittance) of the   ciple behind the glass is
              decided to use the dimmable glass                dimmable triple-pane insu-  the internally positioned
              ECONTROL smart 45/8 (EControl,
                                                                CREDITS BOARD
              Plauen). It offers two advantages:                Building owner:    U.I. Lapp GmbH, Schulze-Delitsch-

                                                                                   Straße 25, 70565 Stuttgart
              an unobstructed view to the outside               Glazing area:      85m²
                                                                Glass product:     ECONTROL smart® 45/8
              remains guaranteed – and the                      Installation and
                                                                completion of the building: 2016
              intelligent glass has a positive effect           Architect:         Schwarz Planungsgesellschaft mbH &
                                                                                   Co. KG Bludenzer Straße 6, 70469
              on the air conditioning of the atrium.                               Stuttgart

                 EControl-Glas GmbH & Co. KG / Photographer:
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