Page 70 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
P. 70


           the glass industry for the   and ‘freedom of move-  One of the most immedi-  If you don’t use
           transport and handling of   ment’ of robots could be   ate ones is the fact that it   water, then how do
           glass sheets. Several com-  used in glassworks. At   allows you to work in a   you manage the glass
           panies were already pro-  the same time, we carried   clean and dry environment,   powder that is gener-
           moting their solutions for   out research on the idea   without having to deal with   ated by the seaming
           automated loading and     of ‘dry’ grinding for glass   troublesome sludge caused   process?
           unloading of glass proces-  edges - which is a request   by water-cooled seam-
                                                                                        Stefano Bavelloni
           sing equipment, developed   that we had received and   ing processes.  So there is
           in close collaboration with   which caught our atten-  no dirty water to be col-  The dust is removed by a
           external companies spe-   tion. Bringing together   lected and cleaned and the   powerful suction system
           cialised in integration of   the findings of these stud-  absence of water on the   and transported through a
           robotic systems.          ies, we found out that ro-  machine actually also pro-  group of self-cleaning fil-
           Neptun, instead, wanted   bots can be used for glass   longs the working life of   ters. The dust is then col-
           to enter the automation   processing, in particular   the machines.          lected in a special collector,
           industry creating a spe-  seaming, with an extreme-  Dry processing also ena-  which can be cleaned very
           cific department here in   ly interesting outcome    bles to work in-line avoid-  easily and with minimal ef-
           the company, with a team   in terms of costs, speed,   ing the need for pre-wash-  fort, without creating any
           of qualified people, with   quality and flexibility, a   ing before going to the   kind of pollution in the
           highly specialised expertise   real technological break-  washing machine. Another   factory waste water sys-
           in robotics, in order to be   through!              advantage is that the glass   tem. This makes the equip-
           able to develop custom-   Dry processing            sheets are and remain clean   ment also environmentally
           ized and flexible solutions                          and dry, and thus they   friendly.
           completely owned - and    Dry processing, i.e. with-  can be processed directly
                                                                                        Matteo Rolla
           financed - by the company   out the use of water to cool   in line - but we can also
           itself. So the software is   down the glass and the   prepare ‘off-line’ batches   As a matter of fact, we
           completely developed in-  wheels during the seam-   ready and stored on glass   were surprised ourselves
           house.                    ing process, leads to sev-  racks without need to be   by the optimal results of
           Moreover, we did not just   eral important advantages.   washed and dried.   this suction system, we
           want to have robots for
           the transport and handling
           of the glass sheets, but we
           wanted to introduce au-
           tomation in other types of
           The mission of this division
           is to develop  intelligent
           solutions combining the
           typical features of robotic
           industrial processes  (high
           productivity, quality and
           precision) with the flexibil-
           ity,  ease of use, and costs
           optimization required in all
           manufacturing companies.

           Stefano Bavelloni
           When we put together
           our team “Neptun Au-
           tomation”, we started to
           study how the cinematics

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