Page 71 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
P. 71

expected we’d have to     What about the
           clean the machine and the   grinding wheels - are
           environment from time to   they static or orient-
           time and thus incorporated   able; diamond or
           an additional external dust   abrasive?
           aspiration system into the
           system. Well, in 4 months   Obviously, with a view to
           of continuous testing on   complete control of the
           the machine, this addition-  process, and considering
           al system never needed to   the absolute innovation of
           be used, the working area   the dry processing, this   level, with an important re-  handling and transport of
           is and remains clean!     project also involved the   duction of chipping and no   glass, in combination with
                                     development of specific    overheating of the surface.   Neptun machines or ma-
           Without water, how        tools. These are innovative   In addition to the seaming   chines from other manu-
           do you avoid over-        cups wheels with abrasive   process, Bravoseam can   facturers. This model can
           heating of the wheels     technology, which guaran-  execute also - at the same   be compared to what is of-
           and of the glass?
                                     tee constant quality, with   time as the seaming opera-  fered by our competitors,
           Stefano Bavelloni
                                     an even arris width from   tion - cornercutting or, al-  although once again with
           It’s a combination of a se-  the beginning to the end of   ternatively, edge deletion,   superior speed and flex-
           ries of features: the binder   the glass border and bal-  without  compromising  ibility.
           used for the wheels and   anced performance from    speed!                   What drives
           their level of abrasion,   the beginning to the end of   Also “simple”       Neptun in this
           speed, pressure, etc. Obvi-  the wheel life.        handling features        relentless research
           ously, it also depends on the   The costs involved for                       and innovation?
           amount of glass that needs   these tools are one of the   Our anthropomorphic ro-
                                                                                        Matteo Rolla
           to be removed, for example   unexpected  characteris-  bots can obviously also be
           5 millimeters is impossible   tics: extremely low costs of   used for glass handling.   No other company of our
           to handle with this system!  only 0.0045 ¢/metre, and   Bravoseam can be used   size invests so much in re-
                                     long working life: at least   in-line: the glass comes   search and development,
                                     for 8,000 metres without   into the line and is meas-  no one else has brought
                                     deforming!                ured, processed and sent   so many new machines
                                     All this was achieved over   out automatically, or can   and features to the mar-
                                     a period of 12-14 months,   be transported to the line   ket in just a few years. The
                                     including four months of   via racks, where the differ-  glass pre-processing mar-
                                     uninterrupted tests in our   ent processing steps for the   ket, especially for polish-
                                     factory.                  different packs of glass are   ing and washing, is actu-
                                                               input, and the robots can   ally a rather static market,
                                     And what about            pick up one glass sheet at   many machines are still
                                     the quality of the        a time and put them into   made exactly like 30 years
                                     seaming process?
                                                               the line.                ago. The innovations are
                                     Quality aspects are cer-  If there are problems of   mostly limited to small ad-
                                     tainly a crucial part of this   space, the robot can be   aptations and the use of
                                     innovation. In fact, com-  installed near the line and   electronics, which do not
                                     paring dry processing by   can become a ‘corner-type’   change the substance of
                                     Bravoseam with cup abra-  transfer machine, with   the processing.
                                     sive wheels to traditional   a space-saving ‘L’ or ‘U’   Neptun instead, was found-
                                     peripheral diamond wheels   shape layout.          ed with the explicit objec-
                                     with V-shape, there is a   The Bravo series also in-  tive to actively seek new
                                     clear improvement in qual-  cludes the model Bravoload,   solutions to work better,
                                     ity, also at microscopic   which is designed just for   increase quality, increase

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