Page 72 - Glass-Technology International no. 1/2018
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           profit  margins,  reduce   novation. We know it’s   have extended our product   The new Quickline is also
           costs, ..                 worth it, and we already   range, completing it with   designed to be integrated
           Neptun wants to bring     have plenty of small and   specific functions and   with robotic loading and
           into the world of glass   big success stories to   versions that further en-  unloading work islands,
           something that will leave   strengthen our persever-  hance the most valuable   further expanding the pos-
           its mark, which will be   ance.                    features of each machine.  sibilities of automation and
           remembered. The own-      What advantages          For example, the vertical   integration, which have al-
           ership of the company,    does the customer        work centres of the se-   ways been subject of great
           and most of the collabo-  get from all this?       ries  Quick have entered   attention by Neptun, and
           rators, come from an                               the area of architectural   that fit perfectly into the
           important experience in   The customer is the first   glass,  moving from ma-  current concept of Indus-
           another company which,    one who benefits from all   chines to process glass for   try 4.0.
           in the 80s and 90s, really   this! Neptun’s innovations   doors, furniture and par-  Tornado: dedicated
           marked a turning point in   bring an important com-  tition walls, to those for   versions of horizontal
           the sector, and that’s the   petitive advantage to the   large-sized glass sheets.   washers for specific
           thrill that still drives us.  customers. Market ben-  The higher need for au-  applications
                                     efits from the introduction   tomation of this industry
           That’s an ambition        of a real process innova-  segment is effectively dealt   Starting from the well-
           that requires great       tion that is not just an-  with by the high-speed and   established version Torna-
           courage, it demands       other machine that works   high-performance features   do and based on our expe-
           fatigue and               in exactly the same way as   which are intrinsic to the   rience, we have developed
                                     other existing models.   Quick series.             a series of models of hori-
           Matteo Rolla
                                     We remember some true    All the technical solu-   zontal washers dedicated
           Every new project re-     innovations of Neptun,   tions that have enabled the   to specific applications,
           quires significant finan-   introducing  real  new   Quick series to become the   like digital printing, white
           cial investments, without   functions: starting from   market reference for ‘ver-  goods, lamination, ultra-
           having the certainty of   the system  Ecosave for   tical machining for interi-  thin hi-tech glass, etc.
           succeeding. It requires ef-  energy reduction in the   ors’ are brought back and   These models have been
           forts, which involve all the   drying of glass sheets, the   amplified in the new archi-  designed specifically to
           company    departments,   patented system  Edge to   tectural applications.  guarantee an optimal re-
           not only the technical of-  Shape allowing to square   The rotary tools maga-  sult taking into account
           fice for engineering or    the glass and control the   zine of Quickdrill T8, for   the particular requirements
           production for assembly,   final geometry on the    example, can change the   of these specific industry
           but also the sales office for   straight-line edger Rock,   drilling tool whilst posi-  environments:  Tornado
           the definition of quotation   up to  Cornercut  which   tioning the axes, reduc-  LT, for example, is de-
           texts, presentations to the   integrates automatic cor-  ing the execution time   signed specifically for the
           sales team, purchase, ac-  nercutting in the washing   between two holes of dif-  high-tech sector, to pro-
           counting. Surely without   process, and finally the   ferent diameters to only   cess glass sheets as thin as
           all projects and proto-   vertical NC processing   8 seconds, even on the    0.5mm; the white goods in-
           types we continue to de-  centres  Quick, based on   2800mm sheet.           dustry, on the other hand,
           velop, the company could   a concept that divides into   Or let’s take the DCS tool   requires high speed, up to
           live more quietly, as the   2 machines a process that   penetration control func-  15 m/min, and maximum
           other companies of our    is usually carried out on a   tion that optimizes the   integration with quality
           size do, and certainly we   single working center, in-  processing speed of the   control systems in order to
           could make more money.    creasing speed and quality   countersinkers for spider   guarantee a constant level
           But Neptun prefers to get   while significantly reduc-  holes, or finally the milling   of cleanliness of the water.
           involved, take the risk,   ing costs for both initial   process with locked glass,   These machines are not
           sometimes on the edge of   investment and mainte-  even more critical for qual-  customisations  of  the
           madness, to bear all the   nance.                  ity and speed when moving   standard  washing  ma-
           costs that come from in-  In the past three years we   heavy and large glass.  chines, but dedicated mod-

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