Page 41 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2018
P. 41
… ideas that are born in Forvet become concrete
solutions for final customers.
(Macherio) and Giannobi millimetres with larger di-
Industria Specchi (Sereg- ameters achieved by the
no), forms part of this high milling feature.
profile. The Group, with its The working area has a
headquarters in Brianza, maximum width of 1,250
one of the most productive millimetres, and has no
districts in Italy, special- length limits. In addition
ized in crystal and mirror there is no inter-axis restric-
glass processing, furnish- tion between hole positions.
ings, doors, tables and The working cycle is com-
small coffee tables. And pletely automatic, and
Glas Italia was selected, therefore does not require
in fact, to furnish most of any manual intervention,
Casa Italia environments the approaching of the
at the Winter Olympic glass to the work table,
Games 2018 in Pyeo- speed progress and spindle
ngchang (South Korea). rotation are automatically
A virtuous circle to testify calculated.
Italian productive excel- Forvet technology has its
lence: the experience and roots in continuous Re-
the technical know-how in search and Development
synergy with the passion investments: in this way the
for glass processing. The ideas that are born in For-
Glas Italia heritage results vet become concrete solu-
from Forvet machine tech- tions for final customers.
nology excellence, used
to realise the ideas of the
most prestigious interna-
tional designers.
Forvet SpA
Forvet SpA
The star machine here is
the Francesca FC 1250
H.O., condensed Forvet
technology, which per-
forms drilling, milling and
countersinking operations
on flat glass sheets with Strada Piossasco 46
10040 Volvera (TO) - Italy
thicknesses ranging from 3 Tel.: +39-011-9855211
to 25 millimetres, also with Fax: +39-011-9853032
irregular shapes. Drilling E-mail:
operations can be up to a
maximum diameter of 70
Glass-Technology International 2/2018 39