Page 44 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2018
P. 44


                                                              Low-E removal – Low-TPF
                     This equipment not only eliminates                                 dalus also features the Lab-
                                                              Among many others, the    Print system, an automatic
                unnecessary downtime … but also minimizes     table has been equipped   label printer with label ap-
                the resources needed for subsequent edging ...  with the Low-TPF system,   plicator for traceability of
                                                              which is in the words of   the glass pieces.
                                                              Amir “the most advanced   The combination of tech-
                                                              in the world”. It removes   nologies applied to both
           duce all the different prod-  sary agility to avoid inter-  both the low emissiv-  the intelligent storage and
           ucts that the market de-  rupting the cutting line   ity layer and the protec-  cutting line makes this sys-
           mands. In the area of glass   workflow.             tive plastic (should it exist)   tem one of the most versa-
           management and cutting,   The SR-07 installed at Al-  with the maximum quality
           we have opted for solutions   Andalus is also ready to   and in just one single op-
           from Turomas.”            safely recharge glass in the   eration. It can also make
                                     warehouse without inter-  variable widths edge dele-
           TUROMAS                   rupting production, which   tion in both straight lines
           AUTOMATIC                 significantly optimizes the   and shapes. It incorporates
           STORAGE AND               company’s resources in all its   a last generation vacuum
           CUTTING LINE
                                     work shifts, regardless of the   system that eliminates the
           Al-Andalus Glass has imple-  time when the glass packs   residues of the operation.
           mented an SR-07 intelligent   arrive from the supplier.
                                                              Ensuring the highest cutting
           storage system and a Rubi
                                     Cutting and break-out –    quality – 4-Tool system
           516C cutting line, both
                                     Rubi 516C and MT-60B
           manufactured by Turomas.                           In addition, the Rubi 516C
                                     The cutting line comprises   is equipped with the exclu-
           Storage – SR-07
                                     the Rubi 516C cutting table   sive 4-Tool system. This
           The SR-07 storage is char-  and the MT-600B break-  device ensures the highest
           acterized by having been   out table. It offers auto-  cutting quality in glasses
           designed to hold 3-, 6- or 7   matic loading and evacu-  of any thickness up to 25
           meter glass sheets, includ-  ation by means of belts   millimetres. The system
           ing low-emissivity glass.   and allows a 6- or 7-me-  features four cutting tools,
           This feature offers great   ter sheet or two 3-meter   each with its own cutting
           versatility when it comes to   sheets to be placed on top   wheel, pressure cylinder es-
           managing the glass stock   simultaneously.         pecially designed for a spe-
           and, especially, optimiz-  Thanks to the linear mo-  cific thickness range and
           ing production according   tor technology that moves   lubrication system. This
           to the real needs of each   its different axes, the Rubi   equipment not only elimi-
           project.                  516C cutting table can   nates unnecessary down-
           Another of the main fea-  move up to 310 linear me-  time during the change of
           tures of the SR-07 is that   ters per minute with an   rollers because it performs
           it is the glass rack itself   impressive acceleration of   the operation automatically
           that is located directly in   19 m/s2, always ensuring   depending on the thickness
           front of the loading area,   the highest cutting qual-  of the glass, but also mini-
           which significantly in-    ity with a tolerance even   mizes the resources needed
           creases the productivity   below +- 0.1mm. The lin-  for subsequent edging pro-
           ratio by minimising glass   ear motor technology itself   cesses due to the superior
           transport times within the   also minimizes the mainte-  cutting quality obtained.
           warehouse. When chang-    nance required by the ma-
                                                              Automatic label printing –
           ing glass types, the storage   chine, which will contrib-
           has been designed to move   ute to the overall life cycle
           the racks with the neces-  of the machine.         The RUBI 516C at Al-An-

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