Page 43 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2018
P. 43

Large-scale production for large projects
                                    Al-Andalus Glass,              required the implementation of fully automated
                                                                          high-performance machinery ...
                                    one of the leading

                                    glass processing           focus “on the Saudi market   of glass and aluminium, al-

                                                               because it is a huge mar-  though we also reach some
                                    companies in               ket. The market has many   other sector. We are much
                                                               projects that need a lot of   more than a large glass
                                    Saudi Arabia,              glass.”                  processor, we are the larg-
                                                                                        est glass trader in the Cen-
                                                               THE COMPANY
                                    contacted Turomas                                   tral Region. And not only
                                                               Al-Andalus Glass has been   glass, but also glass and
                                    for the expansion          in the market for about 20   aluminium accessories.”
                                                               years and are proud of the
                                                               reputation they have built   THE EXPANSION
                                    and renovation             over time. Thanks to the   PROJECT
                                                               versatility offered by their   “Customers are increasing-
                                    of their entire            two factories, they pro-  ly demanding both in terms
                                                               duce locally all types of   of delivery deadlines, the
                                    production area,           products such as insulated   type of products and the
                                                               glass, laminated glass or   required quality. A year or
             Al-Andalus Holding Co CEO -   with machinery and   digital printing on glass.   more ago, we met the entire
                 Marwan Albrahim                               They also have a trading   team to create and define a
                                    equipment to ensure        branch with presence in all   master plan for the expan-
                                                                                        sion and renovation of the
                                                               provinces and warehouses
                                                               in the east and west of the   entire production area in
                                    the highest level          country. Collectively, more   order to meet the demand
                                                               than 200 employees.      for larger projects. We
                                    of automation and          “As a company, we have   wanted to have the most
                                                               always tried to be different   advanced machinery in
                                    quality systems.           and unique in the market.   the world that would allow
              Al-Andalus Glass General                         Starting with our work phi-  us to increase production
              Director - Amir Abdullatif
                                                               losophy, being profession-  and complete our product
                                                               als to always meet commit-  range. We visited several
                  l-Andalus  Glass  sometimes found it difficult   ments, be honest and give   exhibitions and contacted
                  Co. has just in-  to cope with the soaring   the best service, especially   a large number of manu-
           A stalled a fully au-    and growing demand for     in the after-sales,” Amir   facturers”, explains Mr.
           tomated high-performance   glass in the country.    explains.                Albrahim.
           Turomas line for the stor-  Al-Andalus Glass Co., one   Al-Andalus Glass is one of   Amir tells us that they had
           age, loading and cutting   of the leading glass pro-  12 companies comprising   to rethink production from
           of glass, prepared to work   cessing companies in Sau-  the Al-Andalus Holding   scratch. “Large-scale pro-
           simultaneously with 3-, 6-   di Arabia, is well aware of   Co., founded 47 years ago.   duction for large projects
           and 7 meter glass sheets.  this situation. From their   Mr. Marwan Albrahim,   required the implementa-
           The glass sector in Saudi   headquarters in the capi-  CEO of Al-Andalus Hold-  tion of fully automated
           Arabia is peculiar. Even in   tal Riyadh, their General   ing Co., tells us about the   high-performance machin-
           times of economic down-  Manager, Engineer Amir     group: “Our companies are   ery, but at the same time
           turn, local companies have   Abdullatif, tells us that they   mainly linked to the world   sufficiently versatile to pro-

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