Page 45 - Glass-Technology International no. 2/2018
P. 45

AL-Andalus Glass
           tile and efficient lines in the   round yourself with the best
           world today.             companies, which you can   the most advanced quality
                                    really rely on and trust at   systems in the company,   Turomas
           THE FUTURE
                                    all times and which can of-  Mr. Albrahim expects to
           Amir Abdullatif is clear:   fer you the most advanced   “be one of the leading glass
           “To be a pioneer, a refer-  technology.”            processors in Saudi Ara-
           ence and a landmark here   Thanks to the extensive   bia within two years and,
           in Saudi Arabia and per-  renovation of the produc-  in just five years, to be one   Carretera Estación Km. 15, 8
           haps throughout the Mid-  tion area, the automation   of the leaders in the whole   44415 Rubielos De Mora - Teruel - Spain
                                                                                          Tel.: +34 - 978 - 804158
           dle East, you have to sur-  and the implementation of   Middle East”.

                                                                           RUBI 516C

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