Page 103 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
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rative glass, accessories
           and glass hardware were   THE ENTIRE
           allocated to hall E7.     SPECTRUM OF
             The exhibitors included   THE GLASS
              not only famous in-    INDUSTRY
                ternational multina-  This year’s glass
                 tional corporations,   exhibition covered
                  domestic produc-   the entire spectrum
                   tion and process-  of the glass indus-
                   ing  equipment    try, including various
                    manufacturers,   glass products and ap-
                    but also a large   plications, production
                     number    of    lines and machines for
                     newly emerg-    flat glass, processing tech-
                     ing companies   nology and machinery for
                     were  present   glass, diversified domestic
                    at China Glass   glassware, glass containers
                    2018 to show-    and their manufacturing
                    case their tech-  machinery.
                   nical  strength   New technology and new    held  during
                  and manufactur-    products, in particular re-  the four days of
                 ing and processing   lated to Intelligent Manu-  the exhibition. The topics
                levels.              facturing,  Low  Energy   covered included heat re-  community, and helping
                                     Consumption, and New      sistant separation materi-  domestic and international
                                     Glass, were among the eye-  als, infrared high radiation   manufacturers to expand
               DISTINGUISHED         catching points for visitors.  energy-saving  coatings,  markets and promote in-
               GUESTS                A number of leading brands   intelligent cloud manufac-  ternational economic trade,
           Many national and inter-  from home and abroad      turing and industrial robots   the event will continue to be
           national guests were pre-  launched their new prod-  for glass production, en-  a platform of brand pres-
           sent at the event, including   ucts for first time during   ergy saving technology for   ence, technical exchanges
           Qiao Longde, President of   the exhibition, including   glass furnaces, new materi-  and business talks for glob-
           China Building Materials   CNBM (Neijiang) Glass’   als and coating application,   al glass community.
           Federation, Xu Yongmo,    Photoelectric Glass Curtain   and new products for glass
           President of Chinese Ce-  Wall, LiSEC’s Insulating   printing.               Next year’s event – China
           ramic Society, Zhang Ren-  Glass Production Line and                         Glass 2019 – will take place
           wei, Honorary President of   Bystronic’s B’CHAMP WS   REDUCING EXCESSIVE     in Beijing, at the China In-
           Chinese Ceramic Society,   system, used for automo-  PRODUCTION CAPAC-       ternational Exhibition Cen-
           Chen Guoqing, President   tive glass and ultra-thin   ITY; PROMOTING         tre, 22-25 May 2019.
           of China Architectural and   glass processing.      STRUCTURAL REFORM
           Industrial Glass Associa-                           China  Glass  continues
           tion, Peng Shou, Chairman   ANTICIPATING NEEDS      to respond to the policy
           of China Triumph Interna-  AND DEMANDS WITH         of reducing excessive
           tional Engineering Co.,   TECHNICAL SEMINARS        production  capac-
           Ltd., Jin Zhanping, Deputy   China Glass 2018 has al-  ity and promoting
           President and Secretary-  ways focused on anticipat-  structural reform
           General of Chinese Ce-    ing demands, paying at-   of the supply
           ramic Society, alongside   tention to the trends of the   side, support-
           leaders of organizations   industry. A number of tech-  ing technical
           from Italy, German, Unit-  nical seminars and product   exchanges
           ed States, etc.           promotion meetings were   of the glass

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