Page 98 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
P. 98


            Art. DM - Vertical Drilling and Milling Machine

           that has always guided our   PRODUCTS MAK-          Sorting System           any glass sheet at any
           business: to listen to our   ING THEIR DEBUT AT     Making its trade show    time. Made up of one or
           customers, to try to iden-  GLASSBUILD AMERICA      debut is Forel’s Sorting   more mobile shuttles and
           tify market trends, and to   Forel will be at GlassBuild   System (Art. SS), a com-  multiple storage slots, the
           develop new solutions as a   America at booth #3127,   plete solution to optimize   Sorting System leads to
           result.”                  to show visitors its most   the handling and storage   an immediate increase in
                                     recent developments.      of glass within production   productivity and efficien-
                                                               lines.                   cy. Due to the automa-
                                                               The innovative software   tion of the glass handling,
                                                               allows for real-time in-  operators’ manual work
                                                               ventory counts enabling   is reduced to a minimum,
                                                                   the user to locate   which means a drastic
                                                                                        risk reduction therefore
                                                                                        creating a safer work en-
                                                                                        vironment. The reduction
                                                                                        of operator handling also
                                                                                        minimizes imperfections
                                                                                        and increases produc-
                                                                                        tion quality. Thanks to its
                                                                                        modularity, the Sorting
                                                                                        System can be easily in-

          Art. SS - Sorting System
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