Page 99 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
P. 99

Art. VW - Vertical Washing Machine

           tegrated into existing pro-  equipped with a self-diag-  “self-learning” mode uses   type of glass, the the Verti-
           duction lines.            nostic system that identifies   a series of measuring pho-  cal Washer (Art. VW) is
                                     faults by using codes, de-  tocells that allows for the   equipped with an automatic
           Drilling and milling      scriptions and images.    processing of square or rec-  low emissivity coating de-
           Another debut for Forel ma-                         tangular shapes. The Art.   tection system. It is made
           chinery at GlassBuild is the   OTHER PRODUCTS       EG arrissing machine au-  entirely of authentic stain-
           Drilling and Millin Machine   ON SHOW               tomatically acquires the di-  less steel and is equipped
           (Art. DM). This high-tech,   Vertical Seaming Machine  mensions and the thickness   with a water heating system.
           six-axis controlled machine   The Seaming Machine (Art.   data for each piece of glass.  The drying area is equipped
           has two opposing electronic   EG) is equipped with two                       with two inclined blowers,
           spindles to deliver high   operating heads that are   Vertical Washer        powered by a high speed
           precision and fast produc-  capable of working simul-  The Vertical Washer (Art.   overhead fan and sound-
           tion. The solid construction   taneously therefore signifi-  VW) is a complete and pre-  absorbing panels.
           guarantees extreme accura-  cantly increases productiv-  cise vertical washing system.
           cy and performance. Forel’s   ity. This is accomplished by   Through three different pro-
                                                                                           Forel SpA
           patented fixed and mobile   operating the two operating   cesses: pre-washing (spray   Forel SpA
           suction cup system ensures   heads simultaneously on   ramp),  washing  (eight
           stability during operation.   two different glass pieces   brushes, diameter 225 mil-
           The Art. DM and glass are   or by synchronizing both   limetres) and rinsing (spray
           kept cool at all times by two   operating heads onto one   ramp). To provide the most
           water circuits. The DM is   single piece of glass. The   suitable washing for each   Via per Monastier 4 - 31056 Vallio di
                                                                                            Roncade, Treviso - Italy
                                                                                            Tel.: +39 39 0422 840507
                                                                                            Fax: +39 0422 840900
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