Page 102 - Glass-Technology International no. 4/2018
P. 102


           companies, including Carl
           Zeiss, Schneider and TÜV   MAINSTREAM
           Rheinland, attended China   MANUFACTURERS
           Glass for first time, dem-  China Glass 2018 encom-
           onstrating the confidence   passed mainstream manu-
           of western companies in   facturers of the global
           China’s glass industry, and   glass industry in its seven
           the international influence   exhibition halls. Many
           of China Glass.           global leading brands,
           A number of international   three state pavilions (in-
           government departments    cluding Italy, Germany
           and related industrial asso-  and the United States) and
           ciations, including BMWI,   large domestic equipment
           VDMA, ICE Italy and       suppliers were distributed
           Gimav-Vitrum,   brought   in halls E1, E2 and E3.
           together more than 80     Halls E4, E5 and E6 were
           companies to compete with   occupied by glass process
           each other on the display   manufacturers, while a
           stage of China Glass at the   large number of small and
           Germany pavilion, Italy   medium enterprises spe-
           pavilion and the United   cializing in abrasive tools,
           States pavilion.          grinding materials, deco-

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