Page 45 - Glass-Technology International no. 2-2019
P. 45

Robert Miklus,
                   Formator CEO

                                                               search of innovation and   ing: sometimes we receive
                                     WHY DID YOU               originality in the architec-  orders for huge quantities
                                     CHOOSE THE FOREL          ture: actually, there is an   of different laminated glass
                                     LINE, MADE UP OF          impressive creative impulse   panes with screen print-
                                     THREE DIFFERENT           from designers and ar-   ing on both sheets. All the
                                     MACHINES,                 chitects. When we receive   glasses will be positioned
                                     INSTEAD OF A              an order for an innovative   to create a graphic design;
                                     SINGLE MACHINE            project, it is never a ‘stand-  therefore, all the panes have
                                     WHICH GROUPS              ard’ order, with the same   to be extremely precise.
                                     TOGETHER                  ‘recipe’ for 100, 1,000 or   Another  common  case
                                     THE DIFFERENT             more glass sheets. Archi-  is orders for ‘glass fins’.
                                     PROCESSES?                tects order glasses for their   These orders are for lami-

                                     “Because we needed the    creations and every sheet   nated glass panes of 2-3
                                     highest possible precision   could have a different size:   sheets that are very long
                                     and we found it just in this   the final effect requires   and narrow (up to 4 metres
                                     line. We are experiencing   the maximum precision.   x 400 millimetres), with up
                                     a trend of continuous re-  Think about screen print-  to 20 holes per sheet. That

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