Page 49 - Glass-Technology International no. 2-2019
P. 49

utting    digitaliza-  talization that other indus-
                                                                   tion into practice in
                        In this article, we speak              P the glass processing   tries are starting to enjoy
                                                                                        to the glass processing in-
                                                               industry has taken some   dustry. Now, we can look
                        to Glaston’s Digitalization            time. But now the momen-  back and see our progress.
                                                               tum has picked up and the   We’re actually even further
                        Manager – Kai Knuutila                 number of users is acceler-  than we initially aimed.
                                                               ating rapidly. Kai Knuutila,   Our online reports have
                        – who explains what                    Digitalization Manager at   improved, and we’re really
                                                               Glaston, tells us why this is   proud now to present them
                        digitalization means to the            happening.               to customers and to the en-
                                                                                        tire industry. Our work has
                                                               WHAT DOES                led to a lot of information
                        company in its continuous              1 MILLION LOADS          that now offers value.
                                                               MEAN TO YOU?
                        commitment to help its                 Pioneers like Glaston have   REACHING THE FIRST

                                                               helped fuel the demand for   MILESTONES
                        clients achieve success. And           greater digitalization by   By the end of 2018 and ac-
                                                               educating customers about   cording to plan, Glaston
                        with the company’s usual               the benefits, demonstrating   successfully reached sev-
                                                               real progress along their
                                                                                        eral of its big milestones:
                        ‘passion’ for innovation,              digital strategy roadmap –   over 100 tempering and
                                                                                        laminating lines are now
                                                               and adding more custom-
                                                               ers and their data to the   cloud-connected, and data
                        the next move is to take               cloud to accelerate the en-  from 1 million loads has
                                                               tire movement.           now been recorded.
                        artificial intelligence (AI) to        We spent the majority of   Growing numbers of glass
                                                               2018 building our con-   processors are joining the
                        the next level.                        fidence by implementing   digitalization  movement
                                                               ideas and collecting data to   because they understand
                                                               bring the benefits of digi-  the advantages. At the mo-

                       Kai Knuutila
              Digitalization Manager

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