Page 47 - Glass-Technology International no. 2-2019
P. 47

Formator, Edge
                                                                                                     Processing Line

                                                                                          Forel SpA
                                                                                          Forel Sp

                                     YOUR CORE                 AND WHAT ABOUT             Via per Monastier, 4
                                     BUSINESS IS ‘SPECIAL      THE FUTURE?                31056 Vallio di Roncade (TV)
                                     PROJECTS’.                “We are now in a very       Italy
                                                                                           Tel.: +39 - 0422 - 840507-8
                                     DOES THIS MEAN            positive trend: our adapt-  Fax: +39 - 0422 - 840900
                                     THAT YOU ARE NOT          ability and high-quality    E-mail:
                                     PROCESSING                standards have been rec-
                                     ‘NORMAL’ OR LOW           ognized. During 2019 we
                                     QUANTITY ORDERS?          will enlarge our Rijeka
                                     “Not at all. Indeed, with   plant with an additional   Formato
                                     this line we can be more   3,000 square meters. We
                                     flexible and manage every   have already ordered a
                                     kind of request. In the past,   new edging machine and
                                     when we were working on a   a new washing machine.
                                     big project, it was difficult   These new machines will   Industrijska Zona R.Z.R29 -
                                     to insert new orders in our   work in line processing   Kukuljanovo
                                     production schedule. Now,   those sheets that only    51223 Skrlievo (Rijeka) - Croatia
                                     instead, the higher perfor-  need to be polished. Ob-  Tel: +385 - 51 - 503330
                                                                                           Fax: +385 - 51 - 503360
                                     mance of our machinery    viously, they will be from   E-mail:
                                     makes everything easier.”  Forel.”          

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