Page 50 - Glass-Technology International no. 2-2019
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           ment, 38 countries are
           represented with the larg-
           est number of processors
           being located in the US,
           Europe and then followed
           by Asia-Pacific.

           But what do all these figures
           mean in practice?
           These processors under-
           stand that by connecting
           their information, they can
           learn and improve their
           operating processes. They
           know they can fully trust
           the data so that everyone
           connected benefits. For
           them, the more they’re
           tapped into the cloud, the
           more they can learn about
           running their equipment
           smarter, finding ways to
           raise productivity and dis-
           covering ways to improve
           their quality. In short,
           making better business de-
           cisions that lead to greater   roadmap is to take artifi-  There’s a lot of excite-  the processes and explore
           profitability.             cial intelligence (AI) to the   ment around this entire   new types of glass for their
           For machinery suppliers   next level, which means   movement right now since   markets. We won’t be op-
           like Glaston, the informa-  enabling tempering and   customers can see the real   erating without humans
           tion gathered helps offer   laminating machinery to   benefits of AI and also how   for many years to come,
           new services based on data   become fully autonomous.   other digitalization tech-  if ever. We need people to
           analytics.                Glaston is currently work-  nologies can help them   ask the questions – and
           We can see, for example,   ing intensively on adding   reach their own business   partner with AI to create
           how our machinery is used,   machine learning and vi-  goals. They can use these   the world we’d like to en-
           how various glass thick-  sion to its technology.   technologies for better   vision.
           nesses are tempered and   As part of this, we’ve im-  production follow-up, to
           laminated – and learn more   plemented augmented re-  reach higher capacities and
           about the types of glass be-  ality (AR) and virtual real-  to learn ways to improve
           ing run and their parame-  ity (VR) to help our own   their glass quality with
                                                                                      Glaston Finland
           ters. This helps us improve   people and our customers   more intelligence.   Glaston Finland
           our own service offering to   with training and mainte-  For operators, too,
           support our customers in   nance tasks. Our new Sup-  digitalization  will
           reaching higher capacities   port Room concept using   make their jobs much
           and better quality.       AR was showcased for the   easier and less stress-
                                     first time at glasstec 2018   ful. Still, even with fully  y
           REAL PROGRESS             – and will be at GPD this   autonomous machines,  ,   Vehmaistenkatu 5 - P.o. Box 25
           WITH AI                   summer, we’re pleased to   we will always need  d  33731 Tampere - Finland
                                                                                        Fax: +358 - 10 - 5006190
           Another     development   be able to show everyone   humans to take care of   Tel.: +358 - 10 - 500500
           along our digitalization   more!                    the machines, develop    E-mail:

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