Page 80 - Glass-Technology International no. 2-2019
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           demanding tests required
           consisted of an exhaus-
           tive procedure based on
           UV ageing, chemical at-
           tack, thermal shock and
           abrasion tests. All of them
           were performed by the
           well-known   laboratories
           of Tecnalia, and the whole
           process was supervised
           and approved by the spe-
           cialist group Qualiconsult,
           which issued the 10 years
           durability certificate for
           Vetrosmart treatment.
           MARKETS                   scale solutions for glass are   achieve an extensive global   features and anti-corro-
           Vetrosmart Economy and    successfully gaining an   coverage.                sive protection.
           Vetroeasy                 important market share
           Tecnan not only offers the   worldwide. In Tecnan’s   Tecnadis Selfclean Ultra and   INNOVATION AND
           Vetrosmart treatment but   Spanish home market, the   Tecnadis GWR           HIGH TECHNOLOGY
           also a complete range of   hydrophobic solutions of   Additionally, Tecnan pro-  – AT NANO SCALE
           solutions which are totally   the company are in fact   vides other products for the   Innovation and high tech-
           adjustable regarding fea-  widely implemented. As a   protection of glass surfaces   nology are the competitive
           tures and price, responding   reference, it is worth men-  such as its hydrophilic   advantages that enable Tec-
           to different market needs   tioning that the Vetrosmart   treatment Tecnadis Self-  nan to manufacture prod-
           and demands. Vetrosmart is   range is being used by   clean Ultra, giving surfaces   ucts with a unique quality-
           the alternative of maximum   some of the most impor-  self-cleaning  properties,  price ratio, achieving a
           quality thanks to its certi-  tant screen manufactures   obtaining clean glass for   leading position in their re-
           fied durability of 10 years   and glassware workshops   a longer time. Moreover,   spective fields of application.
           and optimum performance.   in the country.          within the automotive sec-  ‘Think Big, Act Nano’ is the
           Nevertheless, there is also   After the success of these   tor, the company offers its   motto that encompasses
           Vetrosmart Economy, with   solutions within Tecnan’s   rain repellent product for   the company’s philosophy,
           a durability of five years   home market, the com-   car windscreens Tecnadis   which aims to offer big solu-
           at a very competitive cost;   pany is currently involved   GWR, which improves   tions based on the technol-
           or Vetroeasy, which offers   in the implementation of   visibility when driving in   ogy of the small, nanotech-
           good features and a dura-  them at international level,   the rain. Apart from glass   nology.
           bility of three years at the   committing all necessary   surfaces, Tecnan also has
           lowest price. In this sense,   resources to extrapolate its   a wide range of solu-  TECNAN - Tecnologia
                                                                                        Navarra de Nanoproducts S S S.L L L..
           by offering treatments with   experience in Spain to oth-  tions with hydrophobic   T
           different types of qualities,   er markets. Tecnan is total-  and anti-stain proper-   Navarra de Nanop
           Tecnan is able to cover all   ly willing to cooperate with   ties for different types
           kinds of client demands.   companies from the glass   of substrates such as
           Thanks to their quality-  sector for the introduction   construction materials
           price ratios, this range of   of its products into differ-  or products to provide
           hydrophobic and anti-lime-  ent countries in order to   metals with easy to clean  n
                                                                                         Area Industrial Perguita, Calle A, n. 1
                                                                                         31210 Los Arcos - Navarra - Spain
                                                                                         Tel.: +34 - 948 - 640318
           78 Glass-Technology International 2/2019                                      Fax: +34 - 948 - 640319
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