Page 113 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 113

to meet the increasing de-
                                    mand of flat glass products   SOUTH AFRICA - FLOAT GLASS IMPORTS
                                    in the country. Guardian
                                    Engineers were responsible   Import Volumes (in tonnes)  2014   2015   2016   2017
                                    for the construction, which   3 mm thickness     9,526  13,682  12,476  13,102
                                    started in October 2005,    4 mm thickness       8,978  14,608  26,164  29,253
                                    with Teco as the other ma-  5 mm thickness       1,853  1,624   2,676  3,107
                                    jor contractor for the plant.   6 mm and more    2,224  3,608   2,169  3,039
                                    PFG inaugurated this float   Total                22,581 33,522 43,485 48,501
                                    glass line in the year 2007.
                                    PG Group initially consid-  Source: International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa
                                    ered building the second
                                    float line in Mozambique
                                    because of energy incen-   on capital equipment to   to appropriate authorities
                                    tives there, but then decided   ensure that our products   to impose anti- dumping
                                    to maximise its investment   meet every international   duty on flat glass imports
                                    in Springs, where it has   standard,” according to   from Saudi Arabia and
                                    existing infrastructure and   PG Group chairperson   United Arab Emirates.
                                    which is close to its major   Ronnie Lubner.        In January 2018, South
                                    market. The company uses                            Africa re-imposed anti-
                                    natural gas delivered from   RISING IMPORTS         dumping duties on flat
                                    Mozambique through the     OF FLAT GLASS            glass imports from Indo-
                                    Sasol gas line.            PRODUCTS                 nesia after a sun set review
                                    “The plant will continue to   Imports of flat glass prod-  of existing anti-dumping
                                    supply the country’s needs   ucts has been rising in   duties on flat glass imports
                                    for glass as a strategic item   South Africa during last   from Indonesia into South
                                    to the country’s develop-  five years. China, Indone-  Africa.
                                    ment. Without glass manu-  sia, Saudi Arabia and Unit-  Similarly, South Africa had
                                    facture in South Africa, the   ed Arab Emirates are lead-  imposed anti-dumping du-
                                    building and motor industry   ing exporters of flat glass   ties on flat glass imports
                                    would not exist as efficient-  products in the country.  from China and India in
                                    ly as they do, and we have   In 2018, PFG Building   the year 2015.
                                    spent large sums of money   Glass moved an application
                                                                                        AUTOMOTIVE GLASS
                                                                                        Automotive glass is an
                                                                                        important demand driver
                                                                                        for flat glass industry in
                                                                                        South Africa. The auto-
                                                                                        motive sector in South
                                                                                        Africa is the mainstay of
                                                                                        the  national  industrial
                                                                                        base and accounts for 6.9
                                                                                        per cent of GDP (4.4 per
                                                                                        cent manufacturing and
                                                                                        2.5 per cent retail). South
                                                                                        Africa’s vehicle produc-
                                                                                        tion is expected to expand
                                                                                        by 6.2 per cent in 2019,
                                                                                        to roughly 648,000 units,
                                                                                        compared with 2018, says

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