Page 109 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 109

Dr. Sener Oktik, CTO of
           Sisecam, one of the larg-  WORKSHOPS
           est flat glass producers in   AND SEMINARS;
           Europe, gave an extensive   STEP CHANGE
           overview of the develop-  FOR STARTUPS
           ment of flat and coated   GPD offered 17 different
           glass for the construction   workshops on intriguing
           and automotive segments.   glass topics, and seven si-
           “Both industries have a   multaneous, all-day session
           growing need for redefined   lines followed on a variety
           surfaces:  self-dimming,  of subjects: Smart Technol-
           colour-changing, lighter,   ogy, Glass & Sustainabil-
           greener, more flexible, du-  ity, R&D, Façade, Market
           rable and reliable. You can   Trends in the Glass Indus-
           get most of these already   try and more.
           today. But at what cost?”   Since many new innova-
           he asked.                tions in the future will come
           At the end of the Open-  outside the glass industry,       GPD 2019 AT A GLANCE
           ing  Ceremony,   James   the Step Change program
           O’Callaghan  was   an-   was introduced in 2017 as      1,000+ participants from over 50 countries – attending the main
           nounced as the recipient   part of the conference for   conference, Helsinki High Rise Seminar and the Management Forum
           of the very special Jorma   startups or scaleups. This   • 17 different workshops with a total of 565 participants
           Vitkala Award 2019 in    helps the glass industry     • 242 various presentations at both the conference and workshops
           recognition of all the great   develop faster and enables   • 280 first-timers
                                                                 • Over 350 one-on-one meetings arranged with the Brella app
           jobs he has been doing   startup companies to intro-  • Over 700 participants at the Farewell Party
           throughout his life, shar-  duce their own new innova-
           ing his knowledge around   tions to the entire group of
                                                              the hearts of the
           the world and being a true   GPD participants.     the hearts of the
                                                                   i d
           contributor for the entire                         glass industry by creating   gratitude to every-
           glass industry.          A LEGENDARY               this special forum to pro-  one involved in making
                                    FAREWELL PARTY TO         mote higher glass industry   GPD the internationally
                                    THE LEGEND HIMSELF        performance. He plans to   recognized event that it has
                                    This   year’s  memorable  continue for some time    become over the past 27
                                    “Farewell Party” was com-  as senior advisor to GPD.   years. Thanks to hours of
                                    bined with organizer Jorma   And with a twinkle in his   work, dedication and a be-
                                    Vitkala’s retirement party –   eye, confesses to aim to   lief in such a special event,
                                    and he went out in amazing   spend only 8 hours a day   GPD has reached a super-
                                    style.                    ‘at work’.                star level of popularity and
                                    “This year was literally one                        become the meeting point
                                    of the highest points in my   THE FUTURE OF GPD     for industry change.
                                    entire life. Although I may   “One of my most impor-  According to Jorma, ex-
                                    have looked utterly horrified   tant roles will be to keep   panding your reach and
                                    when being lifted up by water   the GPD network going   knowledge,  networking
                                    jets on a flyboard in the lake,   and help different parties   with new people and keep-
                                    I was thoroughly enjoying   find the best partners. Ad-  ing your mind open are key
                                    myself. Thank you all – from   ditionally, I will help trans-  to growth: “By sticking to
                                    the bottom of my heart!”  fer the contact network I   the well-worn path, you be-
                                    Jorma, as the founding    have created on to the next   come its slave. To achieve
                                    father of this spectacular   GPD generation,” he says.   new things, you must wade
                                    event, has also touched   Jorma expresses deep-felt   into the virgin snow.”

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