Page 111 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 111


                                                                                            South Africa

                                                                                            is among the

                                                                                            largest flat

                                                                                            glass markets

                                                                                            on the African

                                                                                            continent. Aided

                                                                                            by the country’s

                                                                                            construction and

                                                                                            rapidly growing

                           South Africa’s                                                   sector, the flat

                                                                                            glass industry

          flat glass industry                                                                has made

                                                                                            modest progress

                                                                                            in the last ten

               outh Africa is the   regards to the construc-  are under control and the     years. Glass-
               leading   economic   tion sector, which is the   reconfirmed political sta-
           S powerhouse in the      main driver of the flat glass   bility are essential factors   Technology
           African continent, and is   sector. Nevertheless, the   for a robust recovery.
           a leader in almost every   country’s overall economy                             International
           sector. It contributes ap-  reported growth of 0.8 per   PFG BUILDING GLASS
           proximately 16 per cent of    cent in 2018, which was   PFG Building Glass, a di-  presents an
           Africa’s GDP and is the   less compared to previ-  vision of the PG Group, is
           30th largest in the world   ous years, when reported   the leading manufacturer
           according to the World   growth up to the end of   of float and patterned glass   insight of South
           Economic Forum’s Global   2013 was 2 per cent or   in South Africa. The com-
           Competitiveness Report.  higher.                   pany is the only float glass   Africa’s flat
           Over the last five years,   It is and remains the most   manufacturer in the coun-
           after the important works   industrialized economy in   try. The company’s pro-  glass industry in
           and construction for the   Africa, with a slower pe-  duction facility is located
           World  Cup,   economic   riod of prolonged growth   at Springs, near Johannes-   this article.
           growth has undergone a   but the outlook is positive,   burg, producing 260,000
           slow-down, especially with   public debt and inflation   tons of high quality float

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