Page 108 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 108


                                                                                        and implementing new
                                                                                        Stefan Blach, from archi-
                                                                                        tectural company Studio
                                                                                        Libeskind in New York, ad-
                                                                                        dressed the challenge of in-
                                                                                        troducing new ultra-mod-
                                                                                        ern public spaces without
                                                                                        removing the spirit or the
                                                                                        heritage of the city. “Inno-
                                                                                        vating and combining the
                                                                                        variety of glass types and
                                                                                        technologies is what makes
                                                                                        it possible,” he claimed.
                                                                                        Mike Pilliod, Director of
                                                                                        Manufacturing Innovation
                                                                                        at Tesla, shared the com-
                                                                                        pany’s approach to great
           megatrends and how these   these redefine glass as we   a better world to take place   innovations. He believes
           can create opportunities   know it.                even faster.              that instead of saying “No,
           for smarter buildings and   The overarching takeaway                         it’s impossible,” every team
           smarter business.         from the invitation-only   OPENING CEREMONY        should question what is
           This is the first time CEOs,   Management Forum was   LOOKS TOWARD THE        needed to make it possible.
           architects and other opin-  that the glass industry al-  FUTURE              “Our principal design idea
           ion leaders came together   ready knows how to gener-  With the theme of ‘All eyes   dictates the requirements.
           to discuss openly hot top-  ate power and save energy   on smarter glass’, a truly   This approach expands the
           ics, such as urbanization,   with glass. Now by col-  global line-up of speak-  toolbox for our designers
           digitalization, technologi-  laborating on new, multi-  ers gave their views on the   and has enabled us to have
           cal breakthroughs and cli-  faceted levels, the industry   glass business – and the   a focus on glass through-
           mate change, and how      can make the changes for   importance of embracing   out all of our products.”

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