Page 63 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 63

Modern tempering fur-    Transmission Technology,
                                                               naces have two glass heat-  which uses the best ceram-
                                                               ing systems: radiation and   ic rollers to transport the
                                                               convection. If irradiation   glass sheets, using brush-
                                                               in our case is direct, and I   less motors. The entire sys-
                                                               think we are the only com-  tem works to avoid defects
                                                               pany doing this, given the   on the tempered glass. The
                                                               high technological level   technology that we have
                                                               necessary for its manage-  seen can be found in all
                                                               ment, our GHBS convec-   Mappi furnaces, such as
                                                               tion is also unique for flex-  from the Fox series right up
                                                               ibility and precision.   to the Ats 4.0, which guar-
                                                               These  combined  tech-   antee the best results not
                                                               nologies minimize optical   only with regards to tem-
                                                               distortions and glass sur-  pering of digitally coloured
                                                               face defects. Furthermore,   glass, but also for all other
                                                               larger glass sheets can be   types of glass with particular
                                                               tempered, reducing pro-  needs in terms of processing
           therefore lead to ideal and   colour and the chromatic   duction times and cycles,   quality and complexity.
           flexible glass temperature   variations between the dif-  thus ensuring better plant   In short, using a Mappi
           for tempering, which elimi-  ferent areas. Mappi’s solu-  productivity.      furnace in complex opera-
           nates the risk of ‘burns’ and   tion is an ‘air convection                   tions such as the tempering
           colour variations in digitally   system’ capable of modu-  Does this guarantee high    of digitally coloured glass,
           printed glass with ceramic   lating the heat distribution   quality digitally-printed glass?  or printed using ceramic
           inks.                    and air pressure inside the   Nearly.  Innovations  in  inks, results in having the
                                    heating chamber with great   Mappi furnaces based on   best results both in terms
           What are the other most fre-  precision without affecting   technology and software go   of quantity and quality.
           quent areas of attention?  the colour distribution on   hand in hand with the best   And this is why we have
           Certainly the smudges of   the glass surface.       constructive skills, such as   been working for over 25

                                                                                       Mappi International Srl
                                                                                       M Mappi Interna

                                                                                         Via Alfredo Fieramonti - Z.I. Asi
                                                                                         04012 Cisterna di Latina (LT) - Italy
                                                                                         Tel.: +39 - 06 - 96873284
                                                                                         Fax: +39 - 06 - 96873211

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