Page 64 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 64


                       T OP S T ANDS FOR QUALIT Y – OF C OURSE

                       Top rollers are among the most important parts of a tin bath.
                       These machines are used in pairs in the forming section.
                       Each pair, consisting of master and slave, works synchronously
                       and has to create optimal conditions for a smooth production process.
                       That requires nothing but the highest quality standards!

                                                                             Since 1884 we are passionate about building
                                                                                  glass melting technology and driven by
                                                                              innovative thinking. That’s why we constantly
                                                                                 try to improve every little technical detail
                                                                               along the whole process line to provide our
                                                                                   customers with tailor-made solutions.

                                                                   LET   S GO FULL CIR CLE.  WWW .HORNGL ASS.C OM
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