Page 65 - Glass-Technology International no. 4-2019
P. 65



                                                    EXCELLENCE AND

                                     AUTOMATION FOR A

                                       FUTURE THAT WORKS

         Industry 4.0 is the ‘buzz word’ of today’s

         industry and the glass sector is moving                n the past, the simple   Automation is the future.
                                                                implementation of au-   Automation   accelerates
         fast to adapt to and apply this new                   Itomation technology in   progress on projects that
                                                               a company put it a step
                                                                                        increase revenue, serve
                                                               ahead of the competition.   customers more effectively,
         level of automation. Forvet gives us an               These days, business lead-  and save on costs. Auto-
                                                               ers everywhere under-    mation might sound like
         idea of how, thanks to new company                    stand the need to know   something that belongs in
                                                               not if we automate, but   a large enterprise, but busi-
         reorganization and investments, it provides           how we do it.            nesses of all sizes benefit

         glassmakers with machines and systems

         for a total management concept.                                  Glass-Technology International 4/2019  63
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